Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Before I start this note I wan't to make it known that this chapter has a trigger warning of Physical and Verbal Abuse between Mr Lahey and Isaac -  I decided to push through writers block and I managed to pull this chapter out of my mind and bring it to life. I hope you enjoy this chapter, although the ending is darker than my previous chapters, I hope you enjoy it. I will leave a brief description of the chapter below for those who can't read this due to the warning.

Isaac and Allison lay in bed for most of the late afternoon, the pair swapping stories and exchanging kisses here and there. "You know, this afternoon has been perfect" Isaac smiled, "I can definitely agree with you there" Allison smirked looking up at Isaac. Allison wrapped her arms around Isaac as he pulled her close to him. "So tell me about your Dad" Allison nudged, "I don't really know what to say about him, what do you want to know?" Isaac exhaled. "Anything and everything" Allison assured. Isaac cleared his throat as he spoke. "Where to begin with the great Mr Lahey" Isaac paused before continuing. "He used to coach the Beacon Hills High School swim team back in two thousand and six. This was before my mother and elder brother passed away, after that he turned resentful and bitter that he was left alone to look after me, I guess we've never really got along" Isaac sighed. Allison snuggled in closer to Isaac listening intently as Isaac ran his fingertips through her hair. "Now a days he just sets out to make my life a living hell" Isaac ended. Allison sat up and looked at Isaac as he lifted his shirt up revealing small faded scars along his rib cage where Mr Lahey had thrown a glass at him, which had shattered on the table in front of him where shards had lodged in his side whilst he was clearing the table. Allison grimaced at the sight of them and took Isaac's shirt in her hands and lowered it. "I'm so sorry Isaac," she breathed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on Isaac's shoulder. Isaac wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close. "It's okay, I'm used to it by now" Isaac continued. "You shouldn't have to be used to it Isaac, it's not okay" Allison sobbed, "I can handle him, I have for my whole life" Isaac reassured.

It was quite late when Allison received a phone call from her father who urged her to come home. Isaac walked her out to her car only to be greeted by his father getting out of his truck. "And who might you be?" Mr Lahey asked as the pair met him on the footpath. "I'm Allison, Allison Argent" she smiled extending her hand to Mr Lahey. "I didn't know Isaac had any friends" he scoffed before walking up the path to the front door. "You didn't have to do that" Isaac frowned, "No it's okay, I wanted too" Allison smiled as Isaac opened her car door for her. "See you tomorrow" Isaac sighed "I'll pick you up, be ready by eight" Allison smiled. Isaac nodded as he poked his head through her window, kissing her cheek. Allison started her car and pulled away, Isaac stood and waved for a minute before venturing back inside.

Mr Lahey was sitting at the dinner table, newspaper in hand as he watched his son walk through the front door and closing it behind him. Isaac walked down the hall waiting for an argument to start, and was greeted with silence. Mr Lahey stood up from the kitchen table and made his way to the alcohol cabinet watching Isaac like a hawk as he walked into his room and closed the door. Isaac continued into the kitchen and began preparing his dinner. Mr Lahey emerged from his room not long after Isaac had prepared dinner. "Where's mine?" he slurred slamming the empty bottle on the table as he took a seat. "What would you like?" Isaac asked as he served his dinner onto a plate. "Whatever you're having will suffice," Mr Lahey grumbled. Isaac reheated the pan and began cooking as Mr Lahey rambled. "Where did you meet that Allison girl?" "School" Isaac said flatly. "Why is she hanging out with a loser like you?" Mr Lahey laughed. Isaac ignored his father as he continued cooking. "I asked you a question son" Mr Lahey shouted, "Son? I'm not your son. I haven't been your son since Mom and Camden died" Isaac yelled slamming a ceramic plate on the counter shattering it. Mr Lahey stood up from his chair and walked over to where Isaac was standing, Mr Lahey wrapped his wrist around Isaac's throat and put him up against the kitchen wall. "Don't you ever speak about your mother or brother in this house again?" Mr Lahey yelled gripping Isaac's throat tighter. "Get your arse downstairs now" Mr Lahey spat letting go of Isaac's throat and pushing him towards the hallway. Shaken, Isaac walked into the hallway and turned to walk down the steps to the basement, looking over his shoulder he watched his father turn off the stove and throw both plates of food in the sink. Isaac turned on his heels and continued down the stairs.

Mr Lahey reached the bottom of the basement steps to find Isaac standing next to the freezer, walking over Mr Lahey raised his fist and connected it with Isaac's face. Isaac fell to the floor, his hand rubbing where his father's fist had landed before shuffling back to move away from his father. "Get up and get into the freezer, now Isaac!" Mr Lahey yelled. Isaac stood to his feet, wobbling from the punch he stepped into the freezer and laid down. Before Mr Lahey closed the lid he smiled as Isaac closed his eyes and waited for the familiar sound of the padlock clicking shut.

In the morning Mr Lahey, exhausted and hung over from the night before decided to start work late. When he was just about to leave he saw a familiar car pull up and realized it was Allison looking for Isaac, scrambling down the hallway he hurried down the basement steps flicking the light on as he made his way to the freezer, opening it to find Isaac still asleep. "Wake up, get upstairs and get ready for school. Allison is outside. Don't you dare breathe a word of last night to her or anyone else you hear?" Mr Lahey threatened. Isaac opened his eyes and slowly stood up from the cramped space, when his eyes adjusted to the light. Isaac stepped out of the freezer and made his way upstairs his father shoving him. Isaac walked to his room and quickly changed and walked outside picking up his bag on the way out to meet Allison who was standing outside her car. "Holy shit Isaac, your face, are you okay?" she gulped. Isaac glanced in her side mirror of her car and saw the damage, a massive purple bruise on his cheekbone, bringing his hand up his fingers gently rubbed over it. Wincing he replied, "I'm fine, come on we're going to be late" Isaac insisted. Mr Lahey watched from the window as Isaac opened the car door and glanced at him before getting in, the car sped off in the direction of Beacon Hills High as Mr Lahey sipped his morning coffee.

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