Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Thank you all for being so patient with me in my hiatus from writing. While I can't promise frequent updates due to irl circumstances I hope this part makes up for it. 

Isaac climbed out of his fathers truck's tray, thick mud lined the tray and a puddle of murky water had emerged where Isaac was sitting. The rain fell moderately as he proceeded to clean the tray. Isaac scrubbed and wiped for what seemed like hours, his biceps and triceps aching from the repetitious cleaning.  Mr Lahey walked outside onto the porch and inspected the trucks tray, "It'll do" he huffed as he turned on his heels and walked inside. Isaac walked up the steps nearly losing his balance as he grabbed onto the railing, kicking his shoe off and leaving it by the door he made his way to the shower.

When Isaac emerged he could hear the sports channel blaring from down the hallway, it was a wonder the neighbours never complained. Isaac changed and grabbed his phone from his back pocket of his jeans which were piled on the floor next to his door, thankfully it wasn't water logged. "Call me when you get this" Isaac read as he dialed Allison's number. "Hello" he breathed. "Hey, where have you been? I sent that text hours ago" Allison worried. "Dad had me working all day, I got home not long ago" Isaac sighed. "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?" Allison stressed. "No, just the usual verbal abuse" Isaac exhaled. "I wish I could do something" Allison cried. "Hey, hey don't cry" Isaac soothed. "I wish you could stay here, you'd be safe here" she sighed. "How about I stay tomorrow night?" Isaac suggested. "I'd like that" Allison smiled. "See you tomorrow at school okay" Isaac smiled. "Goodnight Isaac" Allison yawned. Isaac placed his phone on his bedside table and connected the charger before rolling over and passing out. 

In the morning his alarm woke him up just as his father burst through the door. "Get up now, don't want to be late" he boomed before slamming Isaac's bedroom door behind him. Isaac stuffed his bag with clothes, books, his wallet and keys, zipping it up and dropping it by his door before heading to shower. Mr Lahey patrolled the front door waiting for Isaac to emerge before leaving for school. "That bag looks awfully full" he questioned as Isaac met his gaze. "It's just my lacrosse uniform" Isaac lied. Mr Lahey stepped aside before putting his foot out. Isaac landed with a thud on the porch his chin grazed and cheek sprayed with tiny splinters. "Have a good day son" Mr Lahey said as he kicked aside his foot and closed the door. Isaac stood to his feet and wiped his chin with his palm, he'd definitely need to see the school nurse before heading to class. Isaac made it to Beacon Hills High with ten minutes to spare before class. After a quick trip to the infirmary he made his way to Chemistry. Allison sat in her usual spot, her bag minding Isaac's seat. "Good morning" Isaac said with a slight smile on his face as he reached the table. "Isaac! Your face?" Allison worried. "I tripped, it's fine, I'm fine" Isaac lied as he pulled his books out and took his seat.

Allison scrawled on a scrap piece of paper, "Dad? ". Isaac glanced at her and nodded. Allison placed her hand on Isaac knee and rubbed her thumb up and down slightly to comfort him. Isaac rolled the scrap piece of paper in his hand and tossed it in his bag. The pair listened and took notes as the lesson dragged on. The school bell sounded as they packed their things up and exited the classroom where both Lydia and Stiles waited for them. "Hi you two" Lydia boomed in excitement as Stiles and Isaac nodded at each other. "Hey Lydia" Isaac smiled. "What happened to your face man?" Stiles questioned pointing at the obvious band-aid plastered under his chin. "I was skateboarding and slipped" he lied. Stiles and Lydia gave a worried expression before turning to Allison. "Have you two made plans this afternoon?" Lydia asked. "Yeah, kind of" Allison smiled. "Oh, no worries, we were going to Scott's place to play some video games and watch a movie or two" Stiles suggested. "Sounds like fun" Allison smiled looking at Isaac. "We'll be there" Isaac confirmed as he wrapped his hand around Allison's, his fingers trembling against hers and she squeezed gently. "Oh great, I'll text Scott now" Lydia grinned. 

The group said brief goodbyes as Stiles and Isaac split from the girls and walked towards the gym. "You ready for training Lahey?" Stiles said. "Yeah, I could use the practice" Isaac sighed. "Don't worry, the game isn't until the weekend" Stiles laughed. Isaac turned the knob to the locker room and entered with an excited Stiles behind him. Scott was already dressed and ready for practice when Isaac and Stiles walked to their lockers. "The girls texted me, tonight should be fun, a few drinks, some video games and food" Scott described. "What's not to love?" Stiles chuckled. 

When the squad finished practice Coach Finstock entered the room with an announcement. "This weekends match should be a push over, we have the skill and we have the team to do it. Training was impressive today, keep it up". Isaac changed and grabbed his bag and walked into the corridor to meet Allison who was standing by her locker. "Hey, how was practice?" she smiled. "Good, it helped me get some of the pent up stress out of my system" Isaac smiled as he pulled her into his chest. "I know you wanted to go straight to mine from here this afternoon but I think going to Scott's will be fun, I promise we won't stay long" Allison assured. "I'm looking forward to it, it's been a while since I've had a drink or two" Isaac smiled. Allison placed her hand on his cheek and guided his lips to hers before they walked hand in hand to the lunch room to meet Lydia, Stiles and Scott. 

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