Her Birth

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She was born on a winter night, snow blowing outside as a blizzard raged around the small Tevinter slave quarters, the screams of her elven mother's final push indicated to the master of the large mansion, that the birth was complete, confusion soon followed as no cries were heard; only utter silence. When he stepped inside to yell at his elven slave for giving birth to a stillborn, he was greeted by the bright ruby eyes of the new born babe, who was staring straight up at him. She was healthy and cooing as if she were already several days old, the Magister was entranced by the eyes of the strange newborn, forcing himself to look away from to the child's mother; who stared with utter fear at him.

"Please master, do not kill my child..." The slave woman begged him, he merely snorted and looked to the child's father, who held the girl protectivly close to his chest, then looked to the newborn's brother, who was no older than four years staring up at him.

"No, I will not kill her," The Magister spoke, not taking his eyes off the boy, "For it seems Andraste has given this child a particular gift, no newborn babe should have opened her eyes right away; let alone not give her first cries of life after birth. But it also seems she is healthy enough." Relief spead across the faces of the babe's parents, the boy losing the protective huff in his stance. "We shall see how useful she proves to be as she grows." Walking over, the Magister took the baby from her father, smirking down at her when she gently outstretched her baby hand to him. "Hello, Hailiana Fae," He stroked the baby's moon light silver hair, "My little dove, you will grow to be one of my most valuable slaves. I sense a great kind of magic hiding inside you," The smirk spread further across his face, "And I will unlock it."

"Master Lanus," Her father spoke up, trying his best to stand intimidatingly, "Do not speak to my daughter like that, she has only just been birthed." Said man look up slowly from Hailiana, narrowing his eyes.

"I shall speak however I wish, you all belong to me, as well you forget; I will take your life faster than you ever had thought possible. Now silence your tongue!" Lanus hissed, sneering at his slave's outburst.

"Yes, master." The older slave replied, bowing his head in humiliation. Giving Hailana back to her mother, Lanus gave a satisfied grin, before he turned and left the slave quarters.

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