Becoming Prey

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Lia walked from the bloodied room, feeling nothing but exhaustion, the tears has dried on her face. Her first kill was... Well.. a slaughter. She didn't know how to feel. Making her way back to the ballroom. There she saw Elder talking to a group of women and smirking as they fawn.

"Sickening." she thought to herself, looking to see Night nearby glaring all the women down. Lia walked over, she was pale as she felt once again sick to her stomach. "Are you jealous your master is giving attention to someone else?" Lia smirked as Night shifted his gaze down to her.

"He's not my master. He's my leader. My friend." Night snapped back at her, his monochrome eyes darted back to the object of his desires. Red eyes rolled in annoyance, walking away to go and went to go find a source of food and drink, many drinks.

An arm looped around hers, her own free hand went up to try and subdue whoever had just touched her, only to see Elder there with a Cheshire grin on his face. "What do you want?" She mumbled, her employer being the last person she wanted to be around or be in the arms of. Granted there she didn't want to be in anyone's arms anyway, but his was the least pair next to her master's.

"I wanted to congratulate you on you masterful work, I see the magic I used to protect your visage worked wonderfully." His praise of both her and himself led to a pleased chuckle from him.

"A-Are you a mage?" Lia stuttered, trying to keep up with the dance steps Elder had started to lead her in.

"Had we not covered this?" he asked thoughtfully, taking a few quiet moments to himself to think, before he looked back down to her with a gleeful sort of glint in his eyes. "It very well seems we have, but only for a brief moment or two. I am above a mage, I am not restricted to Mana, nor do I rely on lyrium to do my work. I need not rely on anything the mages do. And no, my dear lite dove, I am not a Magister in hiding."

Lia could quite grasp what he was saying, but she understood the "I am no Magister..." part. She twirled in his arms with a grace and beauty Elder had not seen in years. He found himself entranced with her movements, with her being. She held power inside her, a greater power than he himself had ever known. He had to posses her, control her. There was no room for love, if there were only one being would ever have it.

"El-Edward... What is it?" She could see the far off look In his eyes as he stared at her. There was a loneliness to them, a sadness, and of course, the conniving nature he so possessed. It's not that she actually cared for him, but she was a little worried. She didn't need her employer to fall dead in her arms and suddenly seem like both killings were her fault. It'd be hard not to.

Elder looked down at her and gave his signature smile. "You are concerned about me? How adorable. No, I would not worry, I am quite well. Perfect, in fact." Lia pulled away from him, her brows furrowing. Elder simply kept his grin and raised an eyebrow. "What, do I frighten you now? My dear, you have not seen me be frightening yet "

"As if!" Lia spat, turning to walk away from him as fast as possible. "I'll meet you at home!"

Elder watched after her with a victorious grin. She is his.

Lia's embarrassment materialized in a way that had her running all the way back to the Sanctuary, which was miles away from her destination. Somehow, she made it without collapsing, but she knew she'd definitely feel it later.

"Well, how did it go? You don't have my father or Night on your heels, so I am assuming you did splendidly." Niari greeted her from the dining room table, sitting on the end as she watch Lia's heaving form stumble into room. "Is... everything all right?"

Hearing that, Lia finally collapsed onto her back, her hair sweaty but still splaying around her head. "I-ran- all the way- here." She panted, eyes closing to fight the blood pounding in her ears.

"Hm... No wonder you're a sweaty, heaving mess. Come on, we'll get you to the baths." Niari walked over and hoisted Lia up, helping her walk to where the baths were quietly heating the sanctuary.

"I'll leave you to soak for a while, about two hours? Until then, clean up neh?" The black haired female left Lia sitting alone in a quiet room, contemplating Elders words in her head. She didn't belong to anyone but herself! Still, though, she did work for him, and despite his awful behavior and cocky attitude; she couldn't get that distant, sad look in eyes out of her mind either. For once since she's know him, Elder seemed human.

"Mind if I joined you?" Her heart stopped as she looked over to see Elder himself standing in the doorway. Her ruby eye couldn't resist looking at him, his normally ponytailed blood red hair was down and kissing his shoulders before running down toward his shoulder-blades.

His skin was pale like hers, but adorned a good six pack with defined lines like arrows leading towards his...well.... Lia was slightly disappointed to see a white towel hiding the rest of what she was sure she was about to see. Elder couldn't help but let a grin find his face as he watched the elf before him devour his body with his timid eye, the other still shyly hiding beneath silver bangs.

Quickly turning away, Lia sank far below the water until only her eye showed, she didn't want him to see her deep blush. After a few moments, Lia heard Elder slide into the bath next to her, she snapped her eyes closed to keep from looking.

"Aw, come on now, my little dove," she heard him purr. "Don't hide away from me." Large hands gently found her waist, pulling the smaller elf until she was standing in front of her leader. When she heard his  hum of approval, she slowly covered herself and looked away.

"Oh my dear Lia, no need to be so shy. I find that pale little body of yours to be quite desirable."

"E-Elder... We can't, you have Night!" Once again finding her strength, she backed away from him and stood defiantly.

Elder himself let out an irritated groan and let his head fall back. "That I do." Was all he said.

"Exactly! And I don't consent to this, nor would I ever! Goodnight Elder!" She couldn't stop the tears that formed in her eyes as she scrambled from the bath, running to hide in her quarters. How could he do that?! She hated him... But... She was starting to love him.

Elder sat in the bath, still with his head back. He couldn't stop the wicked grin that decorated his face. Perfect.

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