Setting Her Grounds

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Her heart leap in to her throat as blood roared in her ears. She watched Elder move past her with a sickeningly sweet smile on his face; Lia could even see the wicked glint in the man's eyes when he sat down. Did he see her?!

"Did you enjoy my little show?" He saw her! Lia panicked, the brothers whooted in delighted as they tried to take advantage of the moment. Lia however managed to keep herself as calm as possible, the last thing she needed was to lose herself to the twin wolves out of fear. "I'll take that horrified look on your face as a no, sad, I'd thought you'd like catching a glimpse at me." the words came out in a tone almost as if he were chuckling, but he wasn't anywhere near laughter.

When Lia finally found the courage to speak, she swallowed her trepidation and looked the assassin leader right in the eye. "What do you want, Elder? Is it to mock me about seeing you nude? If so I say to you it is not anything to gawk at." She could manage a smartass response but she couldn't manage the fear that once again boiled in her stomach.

Elder glared icy daggers at the elf before him, he wanted nothing more than to show her what Night enjoyed so much and watch her opinion of him change. Oh yes, he wanted her, her spunky attitude and disobedience riled him up, excited him. But he stayed put and merely laced his fingers together, placing his head upon them with a wry grin. "Oh? The blush and shakiness of your voice tells me otherwise. But all that aside, my dear, I have a special little mission for you."

Pale lips formed together in a thin line as Lia crossed her arms with a slight hip jutting to one side. She was trying to be sassy and keep playing the confidence role. "Uh-huh... A special mission my butt."

"It is quite a plump little ass. Thus, it is very special." A shiver ran up her spine at hearing that. He was staring at her now?! With a cough and a small whimper of fear, Lia shook her head.

"A-All that aside, Elder. My mission?"

"Yes, yes. Such a dull pretty little elf now aren't you. You are to go on your first solo assignment, commit your first assassination. Now, if you fail, you will feel the pain of punishment by my hands. If you succeed, you shall be given your reward. If done beyond expectations, you will get a bonus." Elder explained all of that without batting an eye, looking over and handing her some papers with the targets name and last known location. "Study it well, you can not bring it with."

Lia looked over the name and last location, the description as well as the picture. The male was fairly average looking and didn't look to dangerous.
As if reading her mind, Elder leaned forward with a smirk. "He looks like an easy target, does he not?"

"He does not look like a threat, no."

"Well, then you may fail after all. Pity." Lia looked him square in the eye.

"What do you mean "Pity?!"

"What I mean is that you already think you are a master with nothing to worry about from a target. I tell you this, even I, a master assassin, never underestimate my targets. Do I still kill them with no issue, yes, but even the dumbest target can have his smartest moment."

"I-I understand. When do I leave?" Lia watched an evil grin.

"Tonight. I'd go pack the tools and items you would need to complete this task." Lia backed out of the room facing Elder, she didn't want him to have a look a her assets again. When the door was closed, she could a whoot of laughter from the red headed bastard still sitting at his desk.  With a huff and a glare in his direction, she went to prepare for her mission.

"Should you fail, I will punish you and your plump little-What a-a-Ugh!" Lia screamed, shoving poisons and daggers into their different holsters. Her face was brighter than an iron sword fresh of the fire. "Who does he think he is, getting off talking to me like that?!"

"My father is one man you don't want to be talking about like that." came a simple voice from behind her. She turned to see Niari watching her from the threshold of the door. The two were the same age but Lia was still more than new to the whole business. They grew close, Niari wanted to watch over her.

"Why does he get to act like that?"

"You'll see in time that there is much more to my father than he first appears. He's been at this a long time and is confident in his abilities and everything he sets claim to." Niari walked over and helped her pack, giving her a closed bundle. "Pack lightly, you won't be bathing or changing much while you're gone. But be sure you do right before this mission. We've arranged to have a special garment set up for you in your room at the inn."

"What inn? I wasn't informed of one." Lia watched as Niari smirked just like Elder did and ushered her from her quarters.

"You'll figure it out. Good luck."


Lia walked into the inn she was supposedly needing to go to, looking around for any sign of-oh... There He is. At the bar stood Force, drinki away and flirting with the tavern wenches. He looked over and grinned at her, sauntering over with all the confidence of greased up pig.

"I've been waiting forever for you. Come on, sweet thing I've got our room all set up." he purred as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, leading her to a back hallway while throwing winks and grins to the other men at the bar. Lia felt more than disgusting, if this is what Niari meant, she was going to have to kick her assets when she got back.

Force opened the door to a small but comfortable room in the far back of the hotel, it was clean and very well kept. Must be Elder's work, again... She thought to herself. Once the door closed, Forced turned to her with a look that could kill a Magister.

"You got your assignment right, your threats and rules?" he asked her, his hand out as if expecting something.

"Yes... What do you want?!" she bit out.

"Easy knife-ears, I want to see your target and the blank parchment paper in your supplies, the quill to." His hand was still out, a look of patient annoyance had found his face. She didn't have...oh she dug through her supplies, there was indeed a rather fancily folded piece of parchment paper with a quill stuck on the inside, there was also a small bottle of ink attached to it. "Perfect!" he smiled, taking the supplies from her and set to work writing.

"What are you doing?" All she could do was watch over Force's shoulder as he created rather noble like letters and words across the paper.

"You can not get in without an invitation."

"Could Elder not have that?" He could do everything else apparently.

"No, he could, it's just more fun this way." Force spared her a look and a smirk. Was everyone in on Elder's smarmy plans? After another few moments, Force took the ink and quill and put them away; then took out a stamper and wax to seal the letter.

"The ink has not-You know what... Never the mind..." This was going to be a long assignment...

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