Earning Her Barrings

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Lia woke in the morning to find a rather... Gaudy looking dress hanging next to her bath. She groaned and covered herself up. That meant someone had come in while she was sleeping and put it there. Knowing them it was one of Elder's many little bootlickers.

With a groan she got out of bed and stripped for her already filled and heated bath. There was a small note attached to the dress that simple read, "I will be rooting for you, Lia." and that was it, nothing else. It was most likely Niari, or knowing him, Elder. Setting her up to fail once again.

She ripped up the note just in case and let the pieces fall like snow to the ground, before moving herself into the bath to sink down in the refreshing waters. Ever since she ran away and eventually joined Elder's group, against her will of course; her world has been turned upside down. Killing is supposed to become natural to her. Something she had never actually down before. But now she's doing it all on her own.

"Guess I will be needing that good luck after all. Thanks whoever you are." Getting herself ready for the party took forever. She had to figure out the damned dress all by herself, a pain in the ass as it was. Her hair was just done up in a nice enough looking horsetail fashion; she wasn't going to bother with trying that hard.

Leaving the tavern, she found a horse and carriage waiting for her, a man in a mask was holding the carriage door open for her. "He really did think of everything, didn't he?" Elder was indeed a smarmy bastard. When she stepped in and sat down, the door slammed shut and within a few moments started moving.

Lia had to admit that she was scared. This was her first real kill since joining. She knew what failing would lead to, a beating or possibly worse depending on how bad she botched it. Was it hard to breathe because of the dress, or was it just her?

"There is nothing to worry about, Lia, you will be magnificent." The voice that rang in her head was comforting. She closed her eyes and found herself in front of a tall, silver-haired elven woman with blue markings like her. Haliana, the goddess she had willing saved by taking into her body.

"It has been a while, Haliana." Lia greeted back, watching as the other smiled warmly.

"Yes, it seems it has. I have been watching over you but could not give you good council while you were constantly surrounded. This assignment is your first real challenge. The first that will permanently stain your hands with blood... I do hope you know what you are doing." Her words were like those of a worried mother to her rebellious child, it was comforting to Lia to hear them.

"I will be fine... Everything will be fine..." Before their talk could continue, the carriage jerked to a halt. A voice from outside calling to let her know she was at her destination. With another silent prayer to whatever gods were listening, Lia opened the door and stepped out.

The mansion before her was amazing, well, it was more like a palace in her eyes but all the same, it was large. How was she supposed to find her target in this large place? It would be like trying to pick an intelligent person from a crowd of imbeciles. Though, that thought itself might as well be her assignment.

"Ahh welcome, welcome miss!" A rather overly dressed man greeted her with open arms. "Do you have your invitation to my Lord's party?" Wait, did she? For a few moments she patted herself down, slightly panicked before sighing in relief when her hand fell over the square paper.

"I do, yes!" She giggled, handing the man her invitation before turning away slightly to cringe for what she had just done.

"Everything seems to be in order, enjoy the party serah!" He let her pass before greeting the newest party goers. Without hesitation, Lia followed a crowd into a large ballroom, then set to work finding her target. The only problem, some people were wearing masks!

"That rather dampens my chances a little..." She mumbled to herself. She slowly searched the room for her target, trying to remember the smaller details Elder had written down in the files. "Not that one... Or that one.. damnit!" The curse was quiet and full of frustration. How was she going to do this?! She had no clue where he was.

Hours had passed and Lia had given up for the time being, going about eating and drinking wine. Still, however, she scanned with her eyes. She had to blend in after all, as much as a well dressed-Silver haired elf- can blend in. She should have been in servants clothes instead. Suddenly, the crowd began to cheer and turn to the top of a balcony, Lia did the same and found her mouth dropped open and her body froze in place. "No way..."

"Welcome my friend's and companions to my yearly grand ball!" A man with short black hair cheered, his arms opened wide in greeting. The crowd cheered and clapped. Lia would have done the same, had her eyes not glued themselves to the men standing next to him. "Might I introduce my dearest friend and cousin, Edward Mercer!" The crowd erupted into wild applause and cheers as said red haired, well dressed man stepped forward and gave a little bow. Some women next to her swooned and squealed like pigs.

Lia couldn't believe it, Elder was here?! She looked behind him to see Night standing with his hands places regally behind his back, the toad's shaggy brown hair was slicked back and his brown little patch of chin hair was groomed. Why are they here?! Of course they're here..

Elder locked eyes with her and gave something along the lines of a wicked, poisonously amused grin. His eyes nudged to the side, Lia followed to the Lord that had spoken before. That was her target... Elder wanted his supposed cousin dead.. when she looked back to where Elder and Night had been, they were gone.

Without hesitation, Lia went to greet and charm her kill. "Good luck." She heard someone whisper in her ear, when she turned around, there was no one. It had to have been Elder.

"My Lord, I thank you so very much for inviting me to this wonderful party. You do always throw the best." Lia bowed with adoration to the Lord before her. If she knew how to act like anything, it was like a humbled little servant to a master. The Lord looked down at her and gave a disgusting smirk.

"Well aren't you a beauty to behold, truly the most gorgeous gem of my ball. Ah, and you are an elf. You must have been one of my companions personal servants, yes?" Lia held back her cringe as she smile charming like up at him.

"Oh but of course my Lord, I was told to come give you greetings on his behalf and to... Entertain you in anyway I am able." She felt sick to get stomach as she heard an all to familiar hum of interest.

"I suppose I can spare a few moments, come, my beautiful gem, we shall go to one of my guest quarters for some entertainment indeed." He turned and began to walk away. No one was around surprisingly, but she felt a hand on her wrist and was whirled around, coming face to face with fiery sapphire blue eyes. Elder.

"You better not be thinking of letting him have you, Lia." He whispered to her, his arm finding it's place around her waist and his fingers gripping her chin. She really was going to absolutely sick. "Because you are mine. Everything about you is and will be mine." His lips were on her pointed ear, sending jolts of unknown feelings down her spine. All she could manage was a half nod and a whimper of both fear and something else. He gave her a grin and released her slowly, letting her go with a whisper of, "I'll be waiting."

Lia turned and practically ran after the Lord, catching up with him as he opened the door to a guest room. He hadn't even noticed she was gone. Once the door closed she wasted no time, she summoned her scythe and went to work taking her frustrations out on him. She swing and hacked away, crying all the while. He stopped groaning after the third hit, he was dead, but she didn't care. She was sick, scared and full of confusing unkown feelings.

Finally, she stopped, the scythe disappearing as she back away from the forming pool of blood. Everything in the room was covered in blood, everything but her. She was spotless.

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