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A/N: This chapter will be long and for mature audiences, so hunker down and get comfy, grab to tea and popcorn. Enjoy the chapter!
With love, Aurora.

Lia stayed in her room for a few days, replaying how Elder looked standing in his towel. She had to admit he was good looking, though he was the only man she had actually seen nearly nude. Maybe is was that fact, and the fact that she was a woman who had never experienced these events before. It had to that. It was love, it was a fancy, a fascination.

Elder was insufferable, arrogant and cruel. She heard and saw what he did to those who angered him. She saw what he did to those whom he wished to manipulate, to control. To Elder, everything was a game for him to win. Everyone else was just a stepping stone, a pawn. He was just like her old master, except that he wasn't. She couldn't tell what was different, but she knew they were similar, if not just a little. With a sigh she stood up and left the room, going to find Elder.

"Hey Night, Niari, have you seen Elder?" Lia asked as she walked up to the couple in the middle of being cutesy. Night looked over with blazing monochromes, ready to kill her for interrupting. Niari on the other hand pushed him away from her, giving Lia her undivided attention.

"He...might still be in his room sleeping, it is four in the afternoon."

"He sleeps? I have never heard of him sleeping ever since I got here."

"He is a day sleeper. Active during the night and asleep during the day." Niari watched as Lia took a few steps back. "No my father is not a vampire. He says it is optimal for his Mana replenishment and for his health, I think."

"Okay, that's a little strange..." Lia mumbled.

"Am I so strange to you for having a different sleep pattern, my dear little dove?" Suddenly, both girls and a grumbling Night jumped at the sound of a smooth, rather amused voice that rang out around the walls. Lia turned to see Elder standing in front of her with a wickedly musing glint in his eyes. Lia backed up until she was against Niari, she wasn't really using her as protection, just back up.

"E-Elder... We thought you were-"

"- Sleeping? Yes well, I felt a bit lonely and wanted some... Company..." He sauntered over to Lia and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her away from Niari. His long, slender finger trailed up her spine before pinching her chin gently between his thumb and forefinger. "Would you care to join me, sweet dove?" His lips her against her pointed  ear, she couldn't stop the tremor that shook her body.

With a small but victorious chuckle, he led her to his room, up about twelve steps to the only second floor in the sanctuary, with only his room as an occupant on it. The door opened  by themselves, giving Lia the creeps. "My room and door respond to my magic and presence. As well as anyone I give permission to enter." She looked around the room, it was lavish but not crowded. There was a wardrobe across from his queen sized  Orlesian bed. There were shelves of expensive and ancient looking items of different kinds around the room. Two bookcases parallel from each other next to the wardrobe, one with a floating book and  an alchemy looking workspace, the other decorated by a single broken arrow tip mounted on a holder. There was a name carved into the broken shaft. Seirene. Before Lia could ask or her gaze could linger, Elder lifted her up and layed her on the bed, his large body between her smaller legs.

"E-Elder.. I.."

"Hush, pet, I know. But you see, Lia, I can't hold myself back anymore. You have driven me to my limit with your disobedience and spunky little attitude. Has excited me to my core. I want you."

"E-Elder I-I do not.. I can not.." He lifted her chin and kissed her neck, peppering feather kisses all along her neck. Lia felt her body tense up, but heat up as well. "E-Elder.." she whimpered, making the male above purr with approval.

Origin of the Assassin(Sequel to Trouble With Misfits)[Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now