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Breath suddenly filled Lia's lungs, choking and coughing as she struggled for air. She was alive, but how?! She felt herself actually die, her spirit left her body and just floated there. Her mind suddenly flashed to when Elder kissed Dead Night, such a disgusting act to have done. Her head ached, leaving her wanting to lift her hand to craddle her head, but no such luck, she could hear shaking and rattling from above her, making her eyes shoot wide open and look around in a panic. She was back in a dungeon like room, chained to the wall. Chained to the. . . Why was she chained to the wall, and where was she chained to the wall at? She looked around, there was a stone floor below her covered in straw and a stone ceiling above her, striking fear into her system once again.

Soft creaking caught Lia's attention, a candle flame danced into her view, holding the candle was Niari, a worried expression on her face. Lia let her body go limp as she relaxed, the chains rattled softly when she did. "N-Niari.. What are you doing here? Where am I?" Lia asked, her voice showing her panic.

"You are in my father's... Um... Dungeon. He isn't happy with you, which is why you are chained to the wall." Niari responded, adding to Lia's growing fear. "I don't envy you, Lia, it is going to hurt worse than anything you have ever experienced."

"W-what will...?" Just as the black haired female opened her mouth to speak, the door flew open to reveal Elder standing with dangerous poise in the doorway. Both female's watched as he sauntered over, looking almost like a lion about ready to kill his prey.

"Niari, my darling daughter, you have disobeyed my order." Lia could hear the anger just underneath the regal man's calm tone, his eyes held no emotion and looked black in the dim light of his daughter's candle.

"I can not stand by and let you hurt her! She is not to blame for what you were planning! This goes to show she has a strong will and mind!"

"Exactly why I must break it--break her!" Before he raised his hand, Elder calmed and took a deep breath, staring at Niari with a huffy expression. Niari in turn stood against him, ready for the fight. "Niari," he sighed, "I do not want to fight with you. You know my rules very well, how many times do I have to warn you not to test me!?"

"As many times as it take for you not to hurt anyone! Father you have been getting worse, it worries me! If you keep this up, you will die!" Niari looked down at Lia, her face growing serious. "If you have to punish her, I'll take her place."

"Absolutely not! How dare you suggest such actions!" Elder face twisted into rage as he grabbed Niari by the arm and began to drag her out, said female fought his grip and smacked his hand away; both standing toe to toe with eachother looking ready to begin a physical fight at any moment. Lia looked between the two humans in front of her, observing every little detail, the more she looked, the more alike they looked. Father and daughter could indeed not be mistaken.

Finally, Niari conceded, giving Lia a sympathetic look while she walked out the door. Lia's eyes snapped up to watch Elder slowly close the door, his back facing her. She watched as the room was suddenly illuminated by two candles on the wall to her left and right. "It seems you have befriended my daughter, the last person she protected wound up without sight." He turned completely around, magic dissipated from his fingers while a small smirk decorated the left side of his mouth. "Although, I did it more for fun than anything." A sharp cackle escaped the older male's throat when Lia's eyes widened in fear. "Oh do not fret, my little moon beauty, I will not hurt you that bad. I will hurt you just enough." Elder lifted a whip from the wall to Lia's right, the tail meandered down to caress the floor when he took it in hand.

He is really going to hurt me... He... Someone, anyone help me! Hailana, Raijo, Matrias?! Lia tried to call to the beings inside, but found only silence, springing her heart into a pure panic. Another, much louder, cackle caused her to look up at Elder, his smirk had grown across his entire mouth but his eyes remained calm.

"Poor thing, were you trying to summon help? Unfortunately for you, but quite fortunate for me, I have put all of them to sleep before I brought you in here. Quick thinking, yes?" The auburn haired male unchained Lia long enough to turn her around, undoing her top to expose her bare back and chest, Lia found her couldn't fight him, she felt weak. He really did think of everything.

Elder breathed deeply, taking in the sight of Lia's pale skin, it felt smooth under his semi-calloused fingertips, there were absolutely no notable imperfections. Leaning foward, Elder kissed along the back of her shoulders up to her right ear. "You are perfect, beautiful, Lia. I apologize for having to mark up such a delicious looking body, but it is all for the best." His breath ghosted across her ear, sending sparks of an unfamiliar feeling through her body, the other feeling was terror. She could feel his fingers leave her shoulders and heard the snap of the whip being prepared.

"P-Please Elder, do not do it! Do not do this, please!" Lia begged with ever ounce of her being, her eyes screwed shut. Her attempt was futile, for Elder only gave a low chuckle.

"I love the sound of you begging me. Do it some more, darling Lia, make this worth my time." Elder seemed to purr as he pulled the whip back, sending it down and across Lia's back with such relentless strength it ripped a primal cry from her throat. "Again!" Another lash, another scream, another beg, another laugh, another lash.

Blood, tears, and other liquids covered the ground by the time Elder finished. To Lia it had felt like an eternity of hell that would never end, she was floating between her reality and unconsciousness, she was sure her throat was bleeding from the intensity of her screams and begging. "Good girl," Elder purred as he placed the whip back on it's perch, "Very good girl. I will send Night in to examine your wounds and clean you up. For now, however, just take the time to think of what you've done and how sorry you really are."

Elder left the room, leaving Lia alone to try to recover herself. Her back was nothing but shreds of bloodied flesh, her silver hair was throughly cake in blood. she didn't even know if she had the strength to cry anymore, and her gods were still nowhere to be heard. Her head fell back to stare at the ceiling, her eyes filled with tears she opened her mouth and wailed, "Mommy!!" Before breaking down into sobs.

Meanwhile, a blonde haired male sat outside the door and cried himself for the sake of the poor girl who lay tortured inside.

Origin of the Assassin(Sequel to Trouble With Misfits)[Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now