Gone Wrong

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Lia covered her ears to block out the loud noises around her, the streets of what Night called Denerim, were filled with numerous humans, some dwarves, and very few elves. This was the first time she had ever seen what actual life was like outside of the mansion of her master. Beside her, Night strode in his usual armor and bodyguard like wear. He kept his head up and eyes straight, his face and strides holding an element of business, Lia kept up as much as she could but the grace of her short legs left her lagging behind.

"Keep up!" Night bit out, grabbing her hand and yanking her forward, his monochrome eyes bubbling with anger. At first he put up quite the argument with Elder to keep her from going with him on this contract, but after they spoke in private, Night was all smiles and excitement.

"Hello, short legs, elf?! I can not exactly keep up with the strides of a tall human!"

"Well you better start striding like your ass is on fire, we have work to do!" The growl was ever present in the older male's voice, Lia stuck her tongue out in response. Night halted his movements out of nowhere,  grabbing the silver haired elf and standing her in place. "Wait here and do not, by any means, move. Do not speak, and do not look at anyone."

"Am I not suppose to act conspicuous, not suppose to draw attention to myself? Because what you are telling me to do, Dead Night, is the definition of conspicuous and drawing attention to myself." Night sneered and let his hands clentch into fists when he let go of her, taking a deep breath with his head directed toward the ground; as if trying to decide whether or not to kill her, or keep her alive.

"Fine, fine," a slow smirk spread across the lips of the brown haired male, his eyes danced with an emotion Lia could only recognize as evil intent, "Go ahead and do as you want. By all means be my guest. I will not be the one getting in trouble." Night seemed to turn on his heel and practically dance away, leaving Lia alone on the streets of Denerim.

Okay Lia, don't freak . . . You will be fine. Just all alone. . . . Ruby eyes looked all around, every where her eyes wandered, heads were turned in her direction, some were giggling and others were whispering amoungst themselves. Nerves began to kick into overdrive and sent her heart into an irregular rhythm.

"Do not be afraid, Lia," a voice spoke within her head, calming Lia as she realized the voice belonged to Hailiana, "As long as you remain calm, all will be well. They are looking at you simply because you look more beautiful than the elves they are used to seeing." Lia indeed calmed at her words, the goddess inside had remained silent ever since her arrival at the sanctuary, it was good to hear her voice again.

But I've been left alone. . . . Lia's heart skipped a beat, suddenly feeling pain as the brother gods howled with laughter.

"Go on, child, move about and talk to others, what harm can be done? Besides, he is off killing, he can not be expected to know what exactly it is that you are doing."

With a slow nod, Lia gulped and took a step forward, walking over to one of the merchants. Her eyes widened at the sparkle of the jewels and their beauty. This was the first time she had ever seen such things outside of Lanus's estate. Lanus, her eyes snapped open wider as she looked around her, expecting to see him walking up to reclaim his slave. She knew he had agents everywhere for such occasions. Her eyes wandered over to the jewelry merchant, who stared at her as if she was about to take his precious merchandise and run.

"S-Sorry," she stuttered, a cherry blush plastering itself onto her cheeks, "I-I got lost in thought, I-I'll go now."

"Indeed I think you should, such a naughty elf to disobey the order of her superior." Shivers shot straight up Lia's spine and her ruby eyes widened in fear. She recognized that voice, the sophisticated yet pompous tone that was mixed into it.

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