Talent Struck

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A small four year old girl with silver hair was running around the courtyard of her masters large estate, a bright smile on her face. She was treated well by her master and loved dearly by her family. As the Magister had said, she did have special talents given to her by Andraste and the maker, not a mage like he first suspected, but magic was still within her. She stopped in front of a large tree, jumping up and grabbing one of the low branch.

"Hailiana Fae Nehal, what do you think you are doing?!" A deep male voice scolded her before she was able to get up into the tree. Turning, she saw her master approaching her with anger on his face but grace in his step. In one swift movement, she was in his arms and her feet were on the ground.

"Nothing...Master Lanus...sorry..." Hailiana's head bowed sadly at the use of her full name.

"Do you need to be punished once again?" He asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"No master...I am sorry..." A large exasperated sigh drew the ruby eyed girl's eyes up to look at him, he was pinching the bridge of his nose with a look of annoyance drawing his face.

"Very well, but do not let me catch you disobeying me again, you are far too valuable to lose to dangerous things like tree climbing, especially at your age, do you understand?"

"Yes master..." Head down in sorrow, Hailiana looked to the ground as if she were just kicked, like a hated mabari hound.

"Come along now, Hailiana, you must get back to your duties." His face grew softer, letting the four year old know she was no longer in any trouble, her head shot up with another bright smile.

"Okay master!"

*Two years later*

Hailiana was training under Magister Lanus, learning the ways of magic, even though she wasn't born a mage, her master still thought there was an extraordianry sort of magic inside of her he wanted to unlock. Lanus's apprentice Aedan had begun his training as well, the two children quickly becoming friends during the training.

"Focus, Hailiana, you must call the magic forth to prefrom any sort of spell." Lanus said calmly, his voice on the edge of irritation. They had been at practice for hours and Haliana was growing tired of trying what would never happen.

"Master, it is no use, may I go back to mother and father now?" Hailiana huffed, her eyes forming a six year old glare, Aedan crossing his arms in agreement.

"She does not have the mana supply inside her to do as you ask, Ser."

"Silence, Aedan! And no, you must stay until you have unlocked your power." Lanus matched his young slave's glare, only in a more threatening manner, causing both children to shrink in fear; a slave like Hailiana was never suppose to look their master in the eye. "You do not understand how vital this is for me; you will be the most powerful weapon any Magister can possess if I can get that hidden magic inside you."

Hailiana stomped her foot and shouted, "But I do not want to become a weapon!" at her master, anger flickering in her eyes as sudden purple flash appeared around her, Lanus smiled ; seeing the air around the young girl begin to crackle as well.

'So, that is how it will be brought out, the child must feel an emotion she has never experienced before.' Lanus thought to himself, a twisted grin forming on his face as he looked down at the girl in front of him. "Very well, Lia, we may be done for today. Let us head back inside, you as well Aedan." Hailiana perked up with her signature smile, her master only ever called her 'Lia' when he was pleased with her, so she did something right.

"Yes master." Happily, the six year old trailed Lanus and Aedan into the mansion, Aedan frowning on behalf of his friend.

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