Meeting The Goddess

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Lanus had taken to calling Hailiana by her nickname, Lia, and the young slave girl was quite pleased by it. She was now eight years old and progressing excellently in the Magister's training, though all he did during training was make her angry, even though he is nice to Aedan; Lia didn't actually mind at all.

"Hey Lia, look at the spell I learned!" Aedan yelled excitedly, running through the gardens to find his elven friend, who was doing her usual work in the gardens.

"What is it, Aedan? You know the Magister doesn't like you disturbing me while I work, he's going to get mad." Lia huffed, her cheeks puffed out adorably.

"No, no, you are going to love this!" Quickly, he conjured up a spell, casting it towards her. A few moments passed, Lia didn't feel any different; then Aedan started laughing. "It worked!"

"What did you do?" Aedan held up a small hand mirror, showing a pair of wolf ears had appeared on her head. The smaller female gasped joyfully. "I love them!"

"That is not all, look!" Pointing behind her, Aedan grabbed a mass of fluff resting on her lower back.

"And a tail, Aedan this is amazing!"

"I thought you would like it. You are welcome." In a second, after hearing footsteps, the added appendages disappeared.

"What are you two doing?" A middle aged elven male asked, freezing when he spotted Aedan. "Forgive me Ser, was my daughter giving you touble?" The male walked over and took his silver haired daughter by the shoulders.

"No, slave, we're friends!" Aedan cheered.


"Yup!" Taking Lia by the arm, the brown haired apprentice pulled her into a large hug. "See?" Shock sat on the older make's face. "Best friends forever!"

Lia smiled softly, "Best friends forever." After a few moments, the older man smiled and gave a soft chuckle.

"I understand, young'un. Best let my daughter get back to work."

"Alright!" Aedan yelled, then the two watched the elven male walk away.

Shortly after he disappeared from sight, a pained gasp and soft 'thud!' drew the two eight year olds attentions to the corner of the gardens, near a large hedge. Exchanging looks with Lia, Aedan grabbed her hand and began to drag her towards the noise, even though the elf's instincts told her to run inside and find her master; but the eight year old inside told her to explore and be adventurous. It could be a slave that had gotten injured while trying to trim the hedge, that thought caused her to pull away from Aedan and run to the aid of the injured slave.

What they found, was a beautiful elven woman, pale and covered in fresh blood, her dull eyes landed on Lia; who gasped in shock and covered her mouth.

"Children..." The woman called to them weakly, speaking in a tongue they were both familiar with, Tevene; or Arcanum. Aedan looked at Lia excitedly, Lia only shook her head.

"You mean us right?" Aedan spoke anyway, a wide grin forming on his lips. Nodding, the woman gestured for them to come closer, Aedan did so fearfully, Lia following with hesitance.

"W-who are you?" Lia asked, hiding slightly behind her mage friend, making the woman smile softly.

"Well, who are you?"

"I am Haliana Fae Nehal, a slave to the Magister Lanus Taliquin, but you may call me Lia, if it pleases you..."

"And I am Aedan Garehart, apprentice to Magister Lanus." Aedan added, the injured womans face fell to an unreadable expression.

"Are you a slave, young Lia?"


"And this, I am guessing, is the Tevinter Imperium?"

"Yes...?" Aedan pulled Lia back as anger flashed in the woman's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by agony, Lia gasping in response, realizing that the elder was actually bleeding.

"Stay here, please, I will find some healing poultices!" Lia squeeked, panic clear in her voice. "Come on, Aedan!" The woman watched as the eight year old grabbed her friend by the hand, running off while dragging him.

Ten minutes passed before Lia and Aedan returned, three medium sized poultices in her arms. "Here," Lia knelt down, putting one bottle to the womans lips. "Aedan took these from my master, drink it." With a wary look to the young apparentice, the woman drank from the bottle, coughing when she finished it.

"There, that should help your wounds. It will not heal them completely for a while, so I would not try moving if I were you." Aedan warned, seeming to begin thinking about something.

"How old are you children?"

"We are both eight years old."

"You know an exceptional amount about healing for children your age..."

"My master taught us, as well my mother helped teach me."

"Your name is Hailiana Fae, correct?"

"Yes..." A smile found it's way to the woman's lips once more, Lia's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Do you know who you were named after?" Lia shook her head.

" mother said I was named after a goddess in the ancient times, she had almost stopped the Magister's from taking power and slaves."

"That woman, child, was me...I am Hailiana Fae." Shock decorated the faces of the two kids.

"But...I thought you had to be dead to be a goddess...?" Aedan blinked in confusion.

Before his question could be answered, a deep voice yelled out, "Aedan, Lia, where are you?!" From close by, causing Hailiana to blink in surprise when the pair jumped up.

"Please, stay here and do not move! We will be back as soon as we can!" Leaving the two bottles with the elder woman, they ran off in a full sprint.

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