Chapter 6- Before The Worst

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(Andy's pov) 

I grabbed the key from my pocket and unlocked the door. Charlie looked gorgeous in the moonlight. We stepped inside of my big apartment. 

"I'm going to get you some comfy clothes. I'll be right back." I ran upstairs and grabbed the clothes. I also grabbed my guitar. I guess I've always been a hopeless romantic and wanted to serenade Charlie. She was starting to become mine. 

I handed Char the clothes. She went into the bathroom and changed. I started to tune my guitar. I also have another surprise for Charlie. She came out in one of my jumpers and a pair of my sweats. She looked adorable all snuggled up in my sweater.

"I love this outfit. It's very stylish and comfy." she said, flapping the long sleeves like a penguin. 

"Come here for a minute, I have a surprise." She ran over to the couch, again like a little bird.

"Hm.... I love surprises." I took a pause.

"I sent your demo of Change Your Life my record label. I told them to listen to it and if they want to hear more, they will call you." She squealed in excitement. 

"Andy, are you serious?! Thank you so much!" She hugged me. She smelled like sweet roses. 

"So, do you wanna hear a song?"  She nodded.

I started to sing her No Words by The Script. She sang along to every word. I loved her voice, and her hair, and, her eyes and..... her. I can't tell her that I am in love until we get to know each other more.


(Charlie's pov)

 I woke up intertwined with Andy's long arms. We fell asleep talking until three in the morning. I felt Andy move.

"Good morning, Sunshine. How did you sleep?" he yawned. Damn, his morning voice was scratchy and sexy.

"Good, because I was in your arms. Just kidding. I am still tired." 

"Aw, poor thing. Let's get some coffee." I nodded and put on my outfit from last night. 

We walked to the same coffee shop Joel and I went to. We ordered our drinks. I sat over at a table close to the back of the shop, knowing most likely some crazed fangirl would come and annoy Andy and I. He walked over with both of our drinks.

"So, how are you?" That shocked me.

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean like about Lauren coming back in your life and stuff. Adam told me what happened between you two. I'm sorry." 

Right before everything I owned got lost, Lauren and I got into a fight. She told me that I wasn't a good enough friend. She went on and on about what her boyfriend did to her. She claimed I wasn't there. She never told me and I told her that. She got pissed and stormed out. After that, I didn't see her until I went to the pub with Andy.

"It's fine. She admitted to me that she was in the wrong. Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, sweetie, anything. I'm your boyfriend now, remember?" 

"Yeah well...the reason Lauren and I were fighting was because... she was pregnant. She ended up giving the baby to her mother. She thought I was being selfish because I asked her why she didn't keep the baby. That's when she told me the whole story." 

"I'm so sorry. I have-" I stopped him.

"No, don't tell Adam. I don't want her to be further pissed at me." 

"Okay, babe."

We sat in quiet for a few minutes. I saw a couple walk through the door. They were holding hands and laughing. She kissed him, praising him for holding the door. They looked familiar, so I asked Andy to help me identify them.

"That's Adam."

"And that's Avery." 

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