Chapter 2- The Girl I Knew

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(Charlie's pov) 

Everything was happening ridiculously fast. One minute I was walking back to London in the pouring rain then suddenly some girl asked me to live with her...and I accepted. I have never been this quick to jump to a final decision. Something about this all felt right, though. I felt like for once, the Gods were on my side. I've tried to stay optimistic lately, but my belief is slowly fading. 

I used to be the girl that was always happy. I used to believe in miracles and fairytales. I had big dreams, but life killed the dream in me. It's hard to accomplish things when you can't even make it off of the streets. I don't want to be considered a charity case. Obviously, there's a certain stigma that comes with being homeless, but I hope I don't fall under it. I didn't smoke or snort my way onto the streets. Ill fate landed me on the streets, not stupid mistakes. 

The blur of the cars speeding past the window felt like home. It was pitch black outside and the red and yellow of the headlights were eerily soothing. I felt a pit of aniexty forming in my stomach. What happens if I just made a mistake by telling Avery "yes"? What happens if she regrets asking me and then she kicks me out? I can't go back. I need a chance to be normal again. 


"Yeah?" She answered, standing up to put her coat back on. 

"Can you promise me something?" 

She suddenly became puzzled. I just met this lady an hour ago and I'm already asking her to make promises. This isn't normal. 

"Don't do this out of pity. I don't want someone to feel pity for me, no, I don't need someone to feel pity for me."

"Charlie, I see something in you. I don't feel pity for you. I believe you can become a great person, you just need a boost. I'll be here to be your stepping stone. I wouldn't be hurt if you said "no" to living with me, but I wouldn't get why if you did." 

I would be crazy not to accept her offer, but part of me thinks I'd be crazy if I did accept her offer. I can't continue to live this way. 

"I really can't believe that all of this is actually happening." I said, buckling my seat belt. 

"I know it's a bit mad, but I promise it will all work out." 

Avery turned on the radio and immediately perked up. 

"What?" I laughed. 

"This is Joel's band, Lawson. It's their song 'Standing in the Dark'. " She turned the radio up louder. 

The music sounded a bit more rock. I quite liked it actually. The lyrics were brilliant as well. Whoever was singing this must have truly been heartbroken. 

"I really like this song. The lyrics are completely relatable. Did Joel write them?" 

"Not this song. Ryan and Andy wrote it. Joel is just the guitarist, Ryan is the bassist, Adam is the drummer, and Andy is the lead singer. He writes most of their songs, too."

"Ah, so he's the lyrical genius behind this song?" 

"Let me guess: you're a music junkie, too?" 

"Definitely. My dad used to teach me about all of the artists of his generation and how they influenced current day artists. I was a bit bored at times, though. All I've ever wanted to do is sing, but obviously that's far-fetched." 

Avery smiled. Her face lit up like she had an idea. 

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing." 

After about a half hour drive, we were at Avery's flat. It was in the middle of the city, nicer than I could ever afford even with a job. She opened the door, revealing a gorgeous living room with hardwood floors and crisp, white accents.  A taller man with blonde hair greeted us at the door. 

"You must be Charlie." He smiled. 

"You must be Joel." 

"I am. Welcome to our home. Just a warning, it can get loud at times. I'm in a very obnxiously loud band." We all laughed. It was comforting to hear he had such a lovely sense of humor. 

"That's fine. Anything is an upgrade at this point." 

"I'm glad to hear that. Let me show you your room." 

He led me down a hallway lined with pictures and records. Every picture reminded me of my family. Everyone was smiling and laughing, much like we used to. It was all normal, but it was everything I didn't have. 

My room was clean and white. There was a bookcase against the wall that was filled with classic literature. It was cozy. 

"I love it. It's so homey."

"Well this is your home now."  Avery said. 

She was right. This was my home. 

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