Chapter 11- I Want Crazy

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(Ryan's pov) 

Today, Lauren and I invited Joel and Charlie to lunch. God, they are so refined and classy, yet so freakin' cute. 

"God, you two need to live a little." They glared at me, like I murdered someone.

"Yeah, Ryan and I were talking. How about we all go on a vacation to oh I don't know....Paris?" They looked stunned.

"Come on,  name me a better place to go on a romantic vacation than the city of love?" Lauren was so sassy when she brought up facts and convincing reasons.

"Okay, Joel and I will go. I guess we kinda do need to let loose sometimes." 

"Well, go home and get packed, we leave tonight." 

They left Lauren and I alone.

"I can't believe those two tight-asses agreed to go." Lauren said, sipping on her iced tea. 

"Yeah, I know. They have been dating for about three months now, when do you think Joel will propose?" I asked Lauren.

"I don't know, but if that boy doesn't take this opportunity to do so, he's crazy." 

"But maybe that's what Charlie needs: crazy." She nodded.


(Joel's pov) 

Charlie and I got home. She set her bag down and went straight for our room.

"Babe, are you sure you want our first vacation to be with Ryan and Lauren? I mean we can always go somewhere by ourselves."

"Joel, we can't be 'the confined couple' for the rest of our lives. We need to be crazy once in a while. I mean we don't have to follow those two around everywhere we go.  I promise we will have some alone time." She winked and kissed me.

"Okay. Let's get packing, sexy." She put her hands over her face and shook her head. 

After a while, we left for Ryan and Lauren's flat. They really loved each other and it was too cute. They were sitting on their front porch, waiting for us.

"Let's go to Paris!" Lauren shouted. She came over and hugged Charlie and I. 

We boarded the plane.  Char and I talked for a while, before she fell asleep in my arms. I played with her tasseled, brown locks. She was too beautiful for words. The plane landed after about two hours. 

We stepped off of the jet and collected our luggage. We stepped outside of the airport and hailed a taxi cab. The driver drove us to our hotel, overlooking the Eiffel Tower. It was breathe-taking. 

"Here we are: The City of Love." 

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