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"Ah where am I? Why can't I move? My body feels sluggish like I just ran a marathon". "Thump......Thump......Thump. This is quite a suprise. Welcome back to the land of the living. My name is Fin and I am the one in charge of this Hospital. Percy Jackson all your bones are broken".

" What ? Please tell me that your joking Doc. I can't be in this condition". " I'm afraid that it take you a full year before your healed Percy Jackson". Fin scratched his head " Frank the heir of the Milky Way galaxy said you are his bodyguard".

" That's correct I am his bodyguard. I won't be able to do my job laying around like this for a year. Doc is there a body of water nearby"? Puzzled "Yes there is a ocean that's next to the hospital. Would you like a better view of the ocean"?

"I can arrange your room to have a view of the Ocean". Chuckling " No doc that won't be necessary. All i need is a swim in the sea. Can you transfer me there Doc"? " Sure I don't see how a swim will be beneficial for you".

Percy laughed "just take me there and you'll see how it will be beneficial to me". " Very well Percy Jackson I'll take you to the ocean". Doctor Fin used his telekinesis to transport Percy Jackson to the ocean. "Now Doc throw me into the ocean"! "If you say so Percy Jackson".

" I can't believe it! This is physically impossible! Even an immortal being can't heal that fast"! Smirking Percy was doing one finger push-ups upside down. "What can I say doc"?

" I have a strong desire to protect my charge. I mean how do I face my lord Michael? I'm hurt and there's no one to protect Fred? Michael will take away the employee discount at the steakhouse! I can't have that happen to me". While this was going on Percy thought to himself "I wonder how Annabeth is doing? I missed our wedding! She must think I don't love her anymore.

Book Two: The TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now