Death draws Closer

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" Samiyah how is Percy today"? Frank said as he sat down looking at Percy Jackson. " He's holding on still Frank. I thought Frank you said XGO poison is the fastest potent in the universe"? Frank said " it is Samiyah".

"I'm suprised that Percy held it off so far. No wonder my uncle Michael assigned him as my bodyguard". Suddenly the XGO poison began to spread rapidly on Percy's body. Samiyah shouted "No! Frank it's spreading so fast what can we do to slow it down"?

Samiyah was trembling so much as she tried to fight back the tears. " I have to be brave for Percy. I can't give up on him. No I'll never give up on my love. Percy told me that I he'll do whatever is necessary to help me".

Samiyah laid her hands on Percy's chest. Frank said " Samiyah what are you doing"? " Whatever it takes Frank to give Percy an extra edge to fight". Samiyah took a deep breath and exhaled. Drawing her hands together placing her palms next to each other.

Samiyah opened her eyes and there was such an intensity in her gaze. Samiyah shouted " fobidden arts of crimison Gheramie"! Frank was watching as red tentacles manifested out of Samiyah's body. Frank thought " this is going to be interesting". Domain was watching the tournament as the heirs fought in the other divisions.

Suddenly Domain sensed something very dreadful. Domain thought "Ah no no no no. It's the forbidden arts of crimison Gheramie! Only my daughter Samiyah has trained for centuries to store up enough energy to use the crimison Gheramie. The arts are only to be used if there is no other option".

" Who would dare attack my daughter Samiyah! I have to hurry and save my beloved daughter"! Domain rose up from his chair and flew up in the air. Domain raised his land and said " freeze". Immediately the arena and everyone present froze.

Domain said " Now that's all taken care of. Time to save my daughter". After saying that Domain turned towards the area where he sensed his daughter. Domain said " That's where Percy Jackson's villa is located! Something must have happened to Percy Jackson! Thunderbolt"!

" Booom"! The sky expanded as Domain flew so fast reaching Percy's Villa in just two minutes. Domain said " good I made it in the nick of time". Domain opened the door and saw Samiyah's red tentacles. Domain was in shocked and thought "my baby girl has improved this much. I couldn't be more proud to be her father".

Frank turned around and noticed Domain. Frank said " welcome Domain. I hope that you can help us out". " Domain smiled and said " I won't be able to Frank. My daughter Samiyah and Percy can only save themselves". Frank smiled and said " I hope they can Domain for our sakes".

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