No distractions

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"Here we are Percy Jackson. This is my personal jojo. I know that you are in a hurry so I'll be quick. Percy the first form is called the Lion. Let me demonstrate it now for you".

Samiyah took her sword and stood in the lion stance. Percy couldn't help but notice how enchanting Samiyah appeared today. The jojo Samiyah had was hidden in the mountain range. Samiyah proceeded to show Percy all the forms until Percy memorized it. "I'll be back Percy I have errands to do for my father".

"Train hard Percy Jackson," Samiyah smiled and disappeared. " "Finally I thought she would never leave".
Percy sighed and said "time to prove my worth". Percy changed his clothes to his training gear. Ropes of muscles bulged as Percy took off his shirt.

Percy's skin was very smooth compared to the other heirs. There was a reason for that. Under Michael's training Percy had developed a titanium steel body. "Come to me my sword nightmare"! The sky expanded and darkened.

The sky rumbled and the planet Gheramie shook. A Great thunderstorm formed in the sky. Striking right in front of Percy Jackson. Static lighting appeared in the ground. Suddenly the ground began to rise until the sword nightmare appeared.

Percy took a deep breath and exhaled. Percy focused on the mountain in front of him. Faster than the strike of the notorious black mamba. Percy struck the mountain. So great was the strike that the mountain became a pile of rubble.

" I can't believe I failed! I can do better than that! I missed my goal of hitting ten mountains in one strike. I disappointed with myself". Samiyah didn't tell Percy Jackson about the landscape of the mountain range.

According to the history of the Gheramie Galaxy. To be king of the Gheramie Galaxy they must pass a test. They needed to be able to damage a mountain. The mountains on Gheramie are not ordinary. The substance material it contains comes from the strongest metal known to the universe.

This metal enables the mountains to regenerate in milliseconds. If the challenger couldn't dent the mountain. He would be killed on sight by said mountain. The mountains are the defense system protecting the planet Gheramie. It is said that the planet has never been conquered because of the mountains.

" Let's try again this time I won't fail"! Percy grinned and prepared himself again. When Percy Jackson stuck this time thirty mountains in the range became a pile of rubble. " Now that's what I'm talking about"! Samiyah appeared just then at that moment.

" Percy I'm back! You wouldn't believe what my dad asked me to do". Samiyah stopped and stared at the scene in front of her. Samiyah's eagerly drank the image of Percy Jackson. " What type of body is that! It's impossible for anyone to be that fit".

" Wait a minute. There used to be quite a lot of mountains in front of my jojo. No way don't tell me that Percy did all that damage". Samiyah knew the history of the Gheramie mountains. "I've been practicing on a replica my dad built just for me. I couldn't even put a scratch on it. What kind of power does Percy Jackson have"? Percy turned around and finally noticed Samiyah's heated gaze.

Book Two: The TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now