Round of 64

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The dust finally settled as Domain said " congratulations to the remaining heirs. Now for the fun part to begin". " Brian walked over to where Gregory was standing. " Gregory I thought you said you're so called supreme assassins would get rid of Frank's bodyguard". Gregory vein on his head was pulsing "they were supposed to Brian".

"Don't worry about it Brian. I called for my king's master to take care of Frank's bodyguard. He's disguised as an heir that will be competing against Frank's bodyguard. He will be killed mercilessly. In fact mr.Lee is the following opponent if he's not killed sooner hahaha".

Brian had a disinterested look on his face. "Frank's bodyguard better be killed so Frank will be forced to participate in this tournament. Or else I'll get rid of you and your followers Gregory". Gregory started to sweat profusely thinking "I'll better be extra careful here. Brain doesn't have any weakness and he has a short fuse".

" I'd better start preparing countermeasures just in case. I don't want to be eaten by Brian. I heard he's a cannibal. He eats anyone who he's beaten. I'm too handsome to be eaten".

" Relax Brian soon you'll be known as the number one heir in the universe. You'll marry her highness and receive the backing of the Gheramie Galaxy. I'll humbly take the number two heir spot in the universe. Always supporting you". Brain was very plased Gregory could tell because of his ability to read emotions. " Fool soon I'll find a way to destroy you. I'm the one who will be the king of the universe hahhah"!

" Our first contestants of the round of 64 will be Percy Jackson vs Sunny." Sunny leaped onto the arena raising his first into he air. The crowds went wild over his theatrical appearance. Frank said " Oh now Domain that's extra brownie points in my book". Domain said " your right Frank such a brilliant entrance. Its going to be a struggle for Percy Jackson in this fight Frank".

" Sunny is a masterful competitor whose's tactics are always evolving". Sunny sneered when Percy walked onto to the arena. " I don't know how you survived this far Percy Jackson. All I know is that you'll be leaving this arena in a bodybag".

" Kill him"! " I'm betting 400 Zens on Sunny". " I got 40 Zens on Percy Jackson". " What are you thinking beo? He's going to be roadkill"! " I like the underdog. Something tells me that he'll win".

Percy blinked as he stared at Sunny. " Let's see if you have the confidence to do what you say". The crowds gasped and said " he knows he going to be killed anyway. That's the reason why he speaking that way to Sunny. How dare you Percy Jackson"!

"I was going to make your death quick and easy. Now just because you said that I'll going to make your death very painful". Percy smiled and said " enough talk Sunny. You want to kill me. Here I am take your beat shot.

" Sunny was so fast that the crowds couldn't see him. Only experienced eyes were able to track him. "Hmm the way Sunny moves is very graceful" Percy thought to himself. "Too bad it's completely useless to someone of my caliber". Sunny was moving as slow as a snail. " Oh well time to end this fight" thought Percy. Suddenly Sunny's body smacked into the arena; leaving his entrails splattered like sloppy joe.

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