No Way!

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"Come on bodyguard you can do better than that! Come on man! At least attempt to give me a challenge. His sword play is atrocious. How are you the best bodyguard in the Milky Way galaxy".

Samiyah appeared at the training grounds in that moment. "His foundation for sword play is different from the standard version used today". Everyone was suprised at what Samiyah said. Percy was on the ground bleeding profusely. Samiyah went to Percy and healed him.

"Percy Jackson; I'll be honored to acquaint you with the standard version used today. All I ask is that you can forgive my rudeness". Mario said "I can't believe what I'm hearing". " Brian replied "Ha believe it my old friend. I wonder how strong he can become if this bodyguard accepts her highness offer".

Nodding his head Percy allowed Samiyah to help him stand up. Samiyah flashed away with Percy to her secret training dojo. Milton said "What a lucky fellow Mario. What I wouldn't give to be in his shoes". William slapped the back of Milton's head.

"Quit it Milton we don't have time for that. We need to train and be ready for the one who will lead us". " I know that William! You didn't have to hit my head so hard. Besides there's no one here that's even close to our levels. We can relax and enjoy the view man".
" Hahaha William I think you hit his head harder than expected". " My apologies I sometimes forget". William scratched his head and walked away. " William come back we don't hate you bro! Just great now he'll never let me live this one down".

Book Two: The TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now