Final Tune-Up

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"I hope Percy Jackson doesn't hate me for sending Samiyah to him. I'm a father; she will have a happy ending.  I want to see how Percy handles my little firestorm. She's going to know your true nature. Forgive me Percy Jackson; following  wife's orders.  I hope at the end everything has a happy ending".

Samiyah appeared at the entrance of the Ace Forest. " Father said "there's more than meets the eye when it comes to Percy Jackson"." I wonder what he meant by that"?  "Hmmm what's this chill that's I'm feeling? I better hurry up and find Percy. I don't like this feeling one bit". " Hurry Samiyah our chosen one is in trouble"!

" Who would dare harm our chosen one"! "Hold on Percy Jackson I'm on my way". Samiyah starting running at supersonic speed deeper into the forest. Percy Jackson was staring at the pool of water in front of him. Percy suddenly punched the water; his face betraying his his calm facade.

" What's the loser doing"? " Haha he's probably realized that he's such a useless tool". " He is the bodyguard for the heir to the Milky Way galaxy". " Boys we have a job to do for our heir". " How will killing this guy help our master's plan"? "

"Frank is fond of his bodyguard. Killing him will bring him pain. The death of his bodyguard  will be a distraction. Which the heir of the Poison Galaxy will make use of in the tournament. Now let's end this boy and go watch a movie or something".

All 10 assassins moved into position creeping closer to their target. Percy sighed and sat crossed legged and closed his eyes. The assassins eyes lit up and drew even closer. Samiyah appeared just then out of breath. " I made it just in time".

Samiyah sensed the assassins moving closer to Percy Jackson. " No! Percy they're right behind you"! Samiyah leaped into action. It was too late as the assassins blades ripped into Percy Jackson.

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