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Samiyah walked into the Palace dancing and humming. The servants couldn't believe their eyes. "Did something happen your highness"? Samiyah laughed and said " today was such a magical day". Two of the servants looked at each other flabbergasted.

The servants thought "why is her highness displaying this type of behavior? Something is seriously wrong. We need to inform his highness. Samiyah's younger sister walked into the corridor. Pearl is a very voluptuous goddess.

No God is immune to her charms. In fact even happily married gods eyes stray from their wifes. Pearl never has any problems attracting admirers. She has the complete package. Pearl is the goddess of Love on the planet Gheramie.

Pearl frowned and said " Samiyah what's wrong with you"? Samiyah snapped back to reality. " Nothing wrong with me Pearl. I'm just glad that father bought a new sword for me". Samiyah thought " I can't let Pearl know about Percy Jackson".

"She always tries to take my things". As far back as Samiyah could remember. Anytime Samiyah showed an interest in a handsome immortal. Pearl would steal the young immortal from Samiyah. Samiyah had an inferior complex to her sister.

Samiyah would often be depressed and found an outlet in training to fight. Only when Samiyah held a sword in her hands she was more relaxed. Pearl would leave Samiyah alone. She never showed an interest fighting. Pearl was shocked to find out that their parents choose Samiyah over her.

When they named Samiyah as the heir to the Gheramie Galaxy. "Look at her what does she have that I don't have! I should be named the heir of the Gheramie Galaxy. I'm better looking than Samiyah. It's not fair at at"!

" I know she's up to something. She's hasn't acted like this since...... Wait a minute. Ah I see she likes an immortal! I thought she couldn't like another god unless it was her chosen one! She must have found him:!

"That's the only thing she was missing so she can be queen of the universe. I am the only one that is fit to be queen of the universe"! Pearl narrowed her eyes at her sister Samiyah. Samiyah felt a killing blood lust aura. Turning around quickly to see who would dare send it to her.

As Samiyah turned around she drew out her sword. Suddenly the aura faded as quickly as it appeared. Pearl was looking at her funny. " Samiyah why did you draw your sword on me"? Samiyah face turned red and said " sorry Pearl I felt a deep killing blood lust aura directed at me".

" Well it wasn't me! So put that thing away! Now tell me what's his name sis"? Samiyah was shocked "How does she know that"! " Haha my poor sister doesn't have a poker face. I knew it she must have found her chosen one".

Pearl walked over and put her arms around Samiyah. " Come on sis and let's go to your room to talk. We haven't had a sister to sister talk in a long time. Besides I have more experience in relationships then you do. I won't let anybody take advantage of you Samiyah"!

Pearl dragged Samiyah upstairs towards Samiyah's room. The servant Ted smiled and said " Pearl really loves her sister. I'm glad that Pearl's rivalry is over with her sister Samiyah". Lazer the other servant said " I don't know Ted, I think Pearl still hates her sister Samiyah. I hope she doesn't betray Samiyah. Samiyah would never be the same anymore.

Book Two: The TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now