Chapter 5

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(Just before I start, today is November 6th. Spoby's anniversary. So here is a chapter on my OTP's anniversary! I'm such a Fangirl 😂 - Emma x)

*Toby's POV*

Saturday. The best day of the week. I can lay in bed all day. Not get up till 3 in the afternoon. Go out at night. Flirt with all the girls at a club in town.

That's if you don't have a child. If you have a child, you need money, and to get money you need to work. Fun.

At 7am I quickly took a shower and hit dressed. I woke Lily up and got her dressed to. We walked about 5 steps, to Sandra's front door.

"Hey, Lily, my favourite neighbour!" She said as she opens the door.

"Lily, be good. I'll be back at 2. Okay?" I said lovingly, staring into my daughters eyes.

"Okay"she said as she embraces me in a tight hug.

"I have to go. See you soon." I say as I hand her over to Sandra."Bye." I quickly wave and hop in my truck. I had a long day ahead of me.

It's now exactly 1:30pm. I have been building a house on the outskirts of Rosewood. Me and 7 other guys are working on this project, and it's hard work. It's to be ready in 6 months and we've not done much. We'll do it though.

I finished for the day and headed back to get Lily. "Daddy!" She screams in excitement while running over to me and hugging my legs. I lift her up above me head and she starts laughing. I then embrace her in a tight hug. "Thanks again Sandra" I say as I Lily her down and pick up her backpack.

"Your very welcome" she said smiling.

We walk out and into our house. We have lunch after a long debate. Lily kept saying we should go out but I wasn't going to McDonald's for the 4th time this week. We finally agreed on homemade chicken nuggets and chips.

"Want to go to the park?" I say as I clean the plates.

"Yeah" she shouts as she jumps up and down.

"Okay, go get ready." She quickly runs to her room and grabs her jacket. Our house is quite small. It's a bungalow. It has one floor. She ran back down the corridor with a pick jacket on.

"Okay, let's go" I say and take her hand before walking down the street.

As soon as the play park is in sight, she sprints for the slide. I chuckle to myself before running after her. "Daddy, come and catch me!" She shouts for the top of the slide. She slides down with her hands in the air and lands in my arms. "Again, again".

This continues for another 20 minutes before she sees a friends and goes to play with them. I sit on a bench, facing the play park and scroll through Instagram. I hear a beep coming from my phone. A notification pops up saying

Spencer: hey

I reply almost instantly.

Toby: hey

Spencer: what are you up to?

Toby: Watching Lily play in the play park, I could use some company if your willing to spend time with me.

Spencer: well, I'd rather be there than doing chores. Soooooo be there in 10 mins

Toby: see you soon
I felt a smile creep on to his face. I continued to watch Lily play on the slide as he waited for Spencer to appear.

*General POV*

Minutes had gone by. He was wondering if she was going to show up. He was about to get up and go home when he saw Spencer walk towards him. She looks beautiful. She had a floral print dress on with tights. Her hair was put back in a bun. She had a cream trench coat on that was buttoned to the top. Wow. He stood up and walk a couple of steps forward to greet her.

"Hey" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Hey" she replied, looking him up and down. He knew she was checking him out and started laughing a little to himself. "What are you laughing at?"she asks with a curious look on her face.

"Nothing" he said quietly, a grin across his face. They walked over to the swings and took a seat. They were both swinging gently back and forth.

"So, why did you want my company?" She asked looking at the ground.

"Well, I thought you would like to spend time with me, I certainly wanted to spend time with you" he said with a gentle smile on his face. Spencer started to blush.

"I didn't really want to admit it, but I was hoping you would ask me to hang out. Why did you think I text you." She smiled and looked up from the ground. To immediately be caught off guard. Her eyes met with his instantly.

"Well, I also thought asking a girl out on a date over the phone, wasn't very romantic." He said quietly.

"I don't think it would be romantic." She said, a grin on her face. She was still lost in his ocean blue eyes.

They continued to sit on the swings just staring in to each other's eyes for what felt like forever. He started to lean it without even thinking. Their noses almost touching.

"Daddy!" they both jump and try to act natural.

"Yeah" he said, laughing a little.

"Could you help? Please?" She screams from the monkey bars. She was hang on from the top and couldn't get down.

"Be back in one minute" he said to Spencer quickly before running over to Lily.

He helped her down and she went running back to her friends. When he turned round Spencer was on the phone. She put the phone back in her pocket.

"I'm so sorry, I have to go. Call me and we can arrange that date." She said smiling.

"I will" he said watching her walk away. Did she hear him? He wasn't sure but he knew, she knew he was watching her walk away. She looked back and give him a quick wave before hopping in a car.

*Spencer's POV*

Aria had phoned me and picked me up at the park. She and Ezra finally had a wedding date.

"So, tell me" I say, getting impatient.

"Okay, but don't freak out." She said. That made me worried. Why would I freak out? "The wedding is...... In 6 weeks".

I froze. Speechless. How were we meant to get everything in 6 weeks? "Oh. I didn't expect it so soon. Have you got most thing sorted?" I say, trying not to freak out.

"Yeah, we already know where we are getting married, the hall the after party will be in, the cake. All I need help with is the colours and invitations." She said calmly.

"And what about seating arrangements?" I say, trying to be as calm as her.

"Oh and that. Oh and the dresses" she said. "Tomorrow. We can go get the dresses. If your free of course."

"Yeah, can't wait". This time I was actually excited because I love organising things. It's a bit soon but I'm sure it will be ready.

(Hey guys, how are you? I'm so grateful for all the readers. Thanks for all your support and comments you leave. Please just tell me what you think. Tell me any ideas you have - Emma)

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