Chapter 26

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The songs for this chapter are:-

Hold my hand ~ Jess Glynne

Drag me down ~ One Direction

Up ~ Olly Murs ft. Demi Lovato


*Toby's POV*

The whole way home was amazing. Spencer, Lily and I played car games and then, once Lily had fallen asleep, we just talked.

We actually talked. The first time we actually talked in a week. It was a relief.

I was disappointed when we dropped her off at her house. I kind of wanted to ask her is she wanted to stay at mine but she might take it the wrong way.

Lily woke up after we got home and wanted to see Spencer again. So since she got up, an hour ago, she's been talking to Spencer over the phone.

I've been sitting at the kitchen table and doing extra work while Lily and Spencer talk. I have know idea what they're talking about but Lily keeps laughing. It's cute.

"Dad" she calls from the living room. "Miss Hastings wants to talk to you." She shouts. I really need to tell her to call her Spencer.

I quickly walk into the Living room and take the phone from Lily. I sit down beside her and she jumps onto my knee.

"Hey." I say. I'm trying to act cool. Stay cool.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner tomorrow." Spencer asks. I wide smile appears on my face.

"I would love to." I answer to quickly. Stay cool!

She giggles quietly into the phone.

"Okay, what time?" She asks sweetly.

"How about six?" I ask. "I don't finish work until five." I continue.

"Okay, that's perfect."

"Your perfect." I mumble. Crap! I was not meant to say that out loud. Damn it!

"What did you say?" She asks. Good, she didn't hear anything, I hope.

"Nothing." I quickly reply. She laughs. Maybe she did hear me.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." She says.

"Okay." I reply.

"Cool" she continues.

"Great." I really don't want to hang up. I could listen to her voice forever.

"Bye." She says quietly.

"Bye." I say. She hangs up. Damn it!

I quickly phone her back.

"Hello?" She asks confused.

"Em.... I .... I was wondering if.... If Lily..... Has homework" I stutter. Why the hell did I just say that. I can hear her laughing from the other end of the phone.

"No, she doesn't." She chuckles. Oh god. Well just expect me to go embarrass myself.

"Okay, bye." I say quietly.

"Bye." She says. She hangs up once again. This time I put my phone in my pocket. I look down at Lily who is now sound asleep. I lift her up gently and put her to bed.

When I go into my room I search for a nice but not to formal outfit to wear for tomorrow. I don't know why but I always get nervous around Spencer.

I can't wait for tomorrow.


Hey. This is a short chapter to help you get through the week. I'll update again next Friday hopefully.

Please like and comment ~ Emma xx:)

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