Chapter 28

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*Toby's POV*

It's now 9:30 pm and I'm still in Spencer's house. I've been laying in her bed playing with one of her bracelets.

I see my phone light up from the corner of my eye.

*Are you okay?* Its Yvonne.

*Please answer*


I have been ignoring her messages for nearly an hour. She need time with her daughter anyway. She's not saw her for more that three years.

It's not long until I fall asleep in Spencer's bed.

"Crap!" I hear someone curse under their breath. My eyes flicker open and it takes a minute for them to adjust to the light now beaming through the room.

"Who is it?" I ask. I rub my eyes and my voice is a little hoarse when I speak.

"I was just getting some things." It's Spencer. I shoot out of bed and am on my feet in seconds.

"Spence." I pull her into a hug. She tries to resist but finally gives up and puts her arms around my back. Both of us sigh in relief of being in each other's arms.

"Toby I....." She starts to pull away and I can't help but feel a little ache in my chest when she does.

"Wait. I just want to say, I'm not engaged." I tell her. Her eyes widen a little.

"What?" She asks obviously confused.

"Yvonne came back from Europe and she wanted me back." I sigh. I hate telling this story. "After she told you we were engaged she tried to kiss me but I told her no. I told her I had you." I smile at the end but instead of a smile back she frowns at me.

"Toby, don't you think that maybe being with Yvonne is a better idea than being with me?" She shocks me by saying. What the hell?

"I mean, she is Lily's mother." I know where this is going but I'm not letting her leave.

"No, stop. Spencer I was going to tell you last night but then all this happened and messed it up." I tell her.


"I love you, Spencer." I say looking right into her eyes. She looks at me in complete shock and I smile at her.

"I love you too." She replies. I walk towards her and kiss her passionately. When her lips touch mine it feels like a weight has been taken off my back. I moan into the kiss and she wraps her arms around my neck. This is perfect.

*Spencer's POV*

Last night I had to get out my house before Toby got there. I quickly drove to Hanna and Caleb's house to stay for the night. I slept on the couch and it wasn't until the morning that I realised I had no clothes with me.

When I got to my house Toby was peacefully asleep in my bed and I couldn't help but think of how cute he is.

He then told me he loved me.

Ten minutes later and it has became a very heated make-out session.

It's such a relief to know that Toby isn't engaged but I'm dreading the moment I have to tell him that I have to leave. I never told anyone that I had decided I would go to Africa for a year as a volunteer. I'm going to give the poor towns some food and water and support. I wonder what Toby will say about this.

He moans again and I help him lift his shirt over his head before he helps me take off mine

"I love you." He whispers in my ear before we fall back onto the bed.


Here is a quick chapter. I just want to say that I was so annoyed with Spaleb but this chapter actually gives me hope 😂

Please like and comment ~ Emma xx:)

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