Chapter 18

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The songs for this chapter are:-

Kiss me ~ Olly Murs

Lay it all on me ~ Rudimental ft. Ed Sheeran

Toothbrush ~ DNCE

Drag me down ~ One Direction


*Toby's POV*

"Spencer, I missed you" I whisper to her.

"I missed you too." I pull her in as close as I can and just stand with her in my arms. I don't want this moment to end. This is the first time I've properly held her in my arms. It's amazing.

"I love you" I mumble into her hair. I don't know if she heard me but I'm hoping she didn't because she didn't reply.

After about ten minutes she finally speaks.

"Toby." She looks up at me and I smile. "I have to get ready for work." I forgot about that.

"Call in sick." I suggest. She chuckles against my chest.

"I can't" she tells me as she pushes me off. She walks to the bathroom and I walk behind her, holding her hand.

When she reaches the bathroom she turns around.

"Can I come?" I ask.

"No, I'll be out soon." She laughs and enters the bathroom.


*Spencer's POV*

I close the door and wait to hear his footsteps go along the hall.

As I wash my hair, I keep thinking of Toby. I have to admit that was some kiss. I've never had a kiss like that before.

Just thinking about is making my stomach flutter. The way his hands were in my hips. The way he moaned when I pulled his hair.

I suddenly hear a chap on the door.

"Hey, do you want breakfast?" He shouts.

"I'll be out in a minute."

I hear the door open slightly.

"What do you want?" He asks. His head is peaking in the door but he can't see past the curtain.

"What go you have?" I turn off the shower and grab a towel.

"Cereal? Or I can make a big breakfast?" He suggests.

"Cereal is fine." I reply as I step out the shower with a towel wrapped around me. His eyes go wide as he scans my body.

"Emmm.... You sure?" He gulps still looking at my body.


"Okay, I.... I'll go out.... here." He stutters before closing the door.

I feel my cheeks flush. Did that just happen? He was totally checking me out. I pull on my clothes and dry my hair quickly before exiting the bathroom.

I go to the bedroom and put on some makeup before I make my way to the kitchen.

As I take my last step down the stairs I see him. Wow. I've never seen him without a shirt but I think he should go shirtless more often. His shorts hang from his hips. He just looks so good.

"Hey" Toby says with his back turned. He must have heard me walk down the stairs.

"Hey." I walk over to him and see he's making my froot loops.

"This was the only cereal left." He laughs.

"That's okay." He hands me the bowl and sits down at the table, across from me.

"You look good in they shorts." I surprise myself by saying. I quickly cover my mouth before I can say anything else.

"Really? Not as good as you look in a towel." He smirks. I can feel my cheeks heat up and I stuff a spoonful of froot loops in my mouth.

I stay quiet as I eat my cereal. I can see him take small glances at me but I try and pretend I don't see him.

"I need to go or I'll be late." I say as I stand from my place at the table.

"Can't you stay?"

"I would if I could." I smile and place my bowl in the sink. As I'm washing the dishes he comes up behind me. His arms wrap around my waist and he rests his head on my shoulder.

"Pleasssseeeee?" He wines.

"I'm sorry. I have to go." I turn to face him and place my hands on his cheeks.

"I'll see you later?" I ask. He pulls me in closer so my body is pressed against his.

"Maybe. I have to go get Lily and its a while away." He huffs. "You could come?" He smirks.

"I can't." I place my lips on his before he walks me out.

"I like you here" he says as we get to the door.

"Well I'll come more often." I wink and walk to my car.


(Hello! I'm at my aunts house and I was bored so gave you an extra chapter for now.

Tell me what you think. I know you don't like it when Spoby fight, I don't either, but it would be boring without a bit of drama so they are all cute, for now.

Please like and comment ~ Emma xx;)

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