Chapter 23

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The songs for this chapter are:-

Lie a little better ~ Lucy Hale

On my mind ~ Ellie Goulding

History ~ One direction


*Spencer's POV*

"Okay Spence, there is a step right here." Hanna says as she guides me along the very, very long hall. This hotel is massive. I can't really remember what has been happening tonight. To be honest I don't really care.

"Guys, I can walk myself." I slur. They all give me a glare that says 'you can't' and as soon as I say that I trip over and land on my butt.

"Spence, your never drinking again." Aria laughs.

"I can drink all I want. I have a right to drink. A right to walk and a right to be me!" I stand up and start to walk up the stairs to my room.

"What the hell is she talking about?" Emily whispers from behind me. I just keep walking until I finally get to my hotel room.

"Bye!" I shout before I slam my door shut. I'm not really tired so I sit on my bed and just dream. About life in general.

Me, I'm just a stupid teacher that gets drunk when I'm out with friends. Who falls for guys who have a complicated past and who is sitting drunk, thinking about myself. That's just me!

Why is everything so complicated? I swear I have a really weird life, very weird.

You know I should just ask Toby what is happening between us. I'm really confused and could use an explanation.

I pick up my phone and call Toby. His profile picture on my phone is a selfie we took with Lily at the park. That feels so long ago.

"Hello?" His voice cracking. It's sounds like I've woke him up. His morning voice is really sexy.

"Hey, Toby"

"What's up?" He asks. I can tell he's confused and I can imagine that confused look on his face right now.

"Well, I wanted to ask why things are so awkward between us. You know?" I say confidently.


"I mean, we have been really weird recently." I reply.

"What are you saying?" He asks. I can hear a bit of panic in his voice.

"Do you trust me?" I ask.

"I.... I.... Why are you asking me this? Spencer are you drunk?" He asks. Well that's rude. He just automatically thinks I'm drunk. I am but who cares.

"You answer first" I fire back.

"You are drunk." He states. How does he know I'm drunk? Is he a spy or something?

"Who cares if I am, I asked you a question." I shout. I need to know.

"I don't know!" He yells from the other side of the line. Wow. I wasn't expecting that.

"Fine then. If you don't trust me I don't trust you." I fire back. I can't believe he doesn't trust me.

"Fine then." He repeats.


"Fine" he repeats again.

"Well bye then!" I shout before I hang up. He's such a.... a pig!

I quickly grab my bag and storm out of my room. I need another drink.

*Toby's POV*

Why was Spencer being like that? It has been awkward between us but that's because I literally spilled my whole life to her and I don't know anything about her.

She was drunk. Why was she drunk? Yes, she's in Washington with her friends but she was meant to be going sight seeing. She can be like that if she wants. I don't care.

The next morning in woken by a loud bang at the door. Who could it be? Spencer. It must be.

I quickly climb out of bed and rub my eyes. I look in the mirror and fix my hair a little.

I need to apologise for last night. We were both in the wrong but I do trust her. I've made such a mess of things.

I run down the stairs and take a deep breath before opening the door.

"Hey" she says. Oh. My. God.



(This is an extra chapter cause I got really excited 😂

If you can't remember who Yvonne is in this story she is Lily's Mom. I think it's in chapter 9.

Please Like and comment ~ Emma :)

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