Chapter 25

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The songs for this chapter are:-

Don't ~ Ed Sheeran

Lay it all on me ~ Rudimental ft. Ed Sheeran

You & I ~ One Direction


*Toby's POV*

The whole day I've stayed in the house. Lily is getting better but is still pretty ill. Spencer has been avoiding my calls and texts, and to make it all better Yvonne is here. Brilliant.

I've called Spencer five times. No answer. As I'm about to try again Lily starts shouting on me.

"What is it honey?"I shout from the kitchen. She's been well enough to come down stairs now.

"I'm lonely." She complains. I walk into the living room. She looks up at me. "I want Miss Hastings" she whispers. I crouch down beside her.

"Me too." I whisper back. Her smile grows. "We could go pick her up at the airport?" I suggest. She nods her head frantically. "Let's go then!"

*Spencer's POV*

We've been on this plane for what feels like forever. I'm sitting at the window with Aria beside me. Beside Aria is Emily and Hanna is sitting across the aisle from us. She keeps complaining about the old man and woman beside her.

I lean my head against the window with my earphones in. I really hate this feeling. It feels like a pit in the bottom of my stomach.

Toby's been trying to phone me. Just before I got on the plane he had phoned me five times. I don't know why he wants to reach me but it's making me worry. The guilt is eating me alive. What do I tell him?

"Please fasten your seatbelt, we will be arriving in Harrisburg International Airport very soon." The flight attendant announces through the speaker. Great.

I quickly take my earphones out of my ears and put them in my bag.

"I hate this part." Aria whispers from my side. I laugh quietly and she gives me a glare.

"You can hold my hand." I laugh. She rolls her eyes and grips the edge of the armrest.

The plane slowly starts to descend and Aria shuts her eyes tightly. Soon the plane stops and I'm literally cry with laughter at Aria. I think most of the plane are laugh at her.

The whole way down she was shouting "Oh no. Oh god. Ahhhhh." She held my hand as tight as she could. I think she may have broke it. She may be small but she's feisty.

"Thank god." She sighs as we exit the plane. I give a quick nod to the cabin crew to say thank you as we exit.

"I wish I got that on camera." Hanna laughs. We all join in and aria just shakes her head.

"It's scary, okay" she defends. We all laugh again as we make our way out the airport.

"I think the cars this way." Hanna says pointing to the left. We all start heading towards Hanna's car when I hear a very familiar voice call my name.

"Spencer!" He shouts from behind me. Oh crap. All the girls turn round and when they see who it is they all look at me. I take a deep breath and turn round.

Lily runs up and literally jumps into my arms. "Hey." I say as I pick her up and spin around once.

"Hi." She squeaks. She's looking a lot better but she still isn't the same little girl she was.

"Hey" Toby says quietly. "Lily wanted to come get you." He says quietly.

"Lily, go see Hanna." I say as I put her down. Lily runs over to the three girls.

"Look, I'm sorry Spencer. I do trust you, with everything." He says. What?

"Did I miss something?" I ask, confused.

"Remember, last night?"

"What?" I start to panic. What does he know about last night?

"You phoned me." He seems nervous. Oh god, what did I say to him?

"What did I say? I was drunk." I fake a laugh at the end.

"Oh yeah." He laughs.

"Toby, I.... I.... Have to tell you something." I admit. He looks at me confused.

"I...... Missed you" damn it. I totally chickened out!

"I missed you too." He smiles. I did miss him but that's not what I was meant to say.

"Here, I'll take that." He gently takes my suitcase off of me.

"Thank you." I say before I kiss his cheek. He blushes and I laugh a little when he tries to combed his face.

"Lily, let's go" he shouts over. Lily comes racing over and takes my hand. Toby smiles at the both of us. He takes Lily's other hand and we start to walk to him car.


Please like and comment ~ Emma xx:)

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