Chapter 8

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*Spencer's POV*

"Wow" I hear Toby whisper under his breath from the other side of the room. Aria and Emily start to giggle and I can feel my cheeks go red. Hanna whispered something to Toby and his face got even more red than it was before. He's so cute when he's embarrassed.

"So, where you taking her Toby?" Aria speaks up to break the awkward silence that was dancing in the air. All the heads in the room turn to him. As I look around I spot Lilly on the couch with her doll. I walk over to her as Aria, Emily and Hanna pester Toby for an answer.

"Hello miss hastings" she says quietly. I smile and take a seat on the couch beside her.

"Hi" I say quietly. I not sure if I should tell her to call me Spencer outside class. Would Toby mind if I did? I just decide to leave it when my thoughts are interrupted by Hanna.

"Hey, Lilly is it?" She shouts from the kitchen. "Do you like chocolate?" She shouts again. Lolly gets up from the couch and skips into the kitchen with her doll in her hand.

"So....... We better go" Toby says awkwardly. I can tell he's uncomfortable but he shouldn't be. Although my friends are a little strange.

"Yeah. Aria I'll call you when we're on our way back." I tell the small brunette standing at the door beside Emily. She nods her head, yes, and Toby quietly opens the door.

"They're fun" she sarcastically tells me with a smile as he opens the truck door for me. I giggle quietly and I can see the smile on his face from the corner of my eye.

"Let's go" he says as he starts the engine.

On the way to wherever we were going was mostly silent. We talked a little about the history of his truck and how he got it. He told me he got it as a present. One of his high school girlfriends gave him it. We didn't talk about anything else.

We finally arrived at a fancy restaurant. It's really small but looks really expensive. It's called Jolly's.

"Here we are" he said as he pulls in to the closest parking space to the door.

"Have you been here before?" He asks, opening the door for me. He's being really quiet. It's cute but he isn't normally like this.

"No" he takes my hand and helps me out. "It looks really expensive."

"I've not been on a date since high school so I thought I would go all out."

"You didn't need to"

"I wanted to." He gives me a caring smile that I've never seen before. I can already feel my cheeks getting warmer.

We walk in and Toby asks for a table for 2. It's rally cute and cosy inside. There is a candle in the middle of every table. Toby kindly pulls my chair out for me to sit down. Once again I blush. What's wrong with me?

We make small talk throughout the night and he tells me about his childhood. I feel really bad for him. His mother was put in a mental hospital and committed suicide. His dad then re-married and he has a step-sister, Jenna. When he was in high school, 5 girls blinded Jenna and he got the blame for it. He was sent away for a year. His life must have been hell. When he got back the only person who would listen to him was Yvonne, a new girl at his school. They started dating and 3 years later she was pregnant with his child. Wow. She then left him and moved to Europe without even telling him. He's been through hell.

*Toby's POV*

At dinner I started telling Spencer all the crap I've been through in my life. I've probably scared her away by telling her about all that messed up stuff. I've never told anyone that before, I've never opened up like that before. I'm just so comfortable in her presence. She makes me want to tell her all about my horrible past.

After I explain my living hell out food comes. She must have been hungry because she had finished and I had barley begun.

"That must have been a world record" I sarcastically remark. She looks at me with a smirk and continues to steal fries from my plate.

"I was hungry" she smiles and takes another fry.

"Stop stealing mine" I cry and she starts to laugh.


We ended up staying another hour after we finished our meal. She told me all about her. I love the sound of her voice and I wish she could talk all the time. She told me about her family Moro. 'Why think about today when you could be worrying about tomorrow'. I couldn't help but laugh when she said it. She told me about how she had to be amazing at everything and that she loves coffee. She met her friends in high school and have been best friends since. She told me about her other friend Alison but she doesn't see her much. Alison was a bitch according to Spencer. She was the leader of the group and was horrible to everyone and if I know Spencer well enough then I know that she also likes to be in charge. Before I know it it's half past 11 and we were told to leave because the restaurant was about to close.

"I had a really nice time." I tell her as I pull up at her house.

"Yeah, it was fun." She turns to face me.

"We should do it again sometime." I tell her, hoping she'll agree.

"I would love to" she smiles softly. Her eyes are staring into mine and I can't help but stare at them.

Our lips are millimetres apart.

"Maybe next time you can eat your own food" I whisper and she laughs quietly. I'm starting to get butterflies in my stomach and my heart is racing.

(Hey guys! Cliffhanger!!!! Sorry I haven't updated I'm not well so I'm not in school today. Thought I would update since I've left you waiting long enough. I put some references to pll in there. Some thing that Spencer and Toby have had to deal with. Please like or comment and tell me what you think - Emma)

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