Chapter 20

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The songs for this chapter are:-

Second hand heart ~ Ben Heanow

Wait on me ~ Rixton

Safety pin ~ 5SOS

*Friday night*

*Spencer's POV*

"I'll see you later?" I ask Lily. She's been really unwell the past few days. I've been here to keep her company when her dad goes to work.

He changed his shift so he goes to work once I come home from school. It took a bit of getting used to at first but it works now.

I have to be at Aria's in ten minutes.

"Yeah" Lily weakly answered. She is really ill. I feel awful that she has to go through all this at the age of five.

I give her a quick kiss on the forehead. "I'll bring you back a present." I whisper to her. She just nods her head.

I quietly walk out of the room and down the stairs.

"She's nearly asleep." I tell Sandra, the next door neighbour. Sandra has been babysitting Lily since she was two.

"Okay, have a nice time." She assures me. I give her a small hug before picking up my bags.

"Bye." I say before leaving the house. I walk to my car and put my things in the boot before walking to the door. As I open the car door I hear a vehicle behind me.

"Spencer, I wanted to say bye." Toby shouts as he gets out his truck. I literally throw myself into his arms. This is the first time we have been this close since our magical morning last weekend.

He puts his arms around me and I can't help but sigh in relief. I though he would just stand there or reject me. It's been so awkward lately.

I pull out of his touch after a couple of minutes pass.

"I have to go." I say. The awkward silence fills the air again.

"Okay, see you soon?" He asks. I nod my head slowly. We stand in silence. Awkward.

I turn around and enter my car without another word. He watches me and waves as I start my car.

I quickly start the engine and drive off, thinking about what just happened.

Ever since he told me about his childhood he hasn't been the same. I understand that he is different now but he thinks I'm going to leave him.


"Toby, what was Calum talking about?" I ask for the third time in a row. He has been standing in silence for the past fifteen minutes.

"Me Spencer, he was talking about me. The little boy who was forced to be a drug dealer to get money. The boy who started to hang around stupid people. The boy who got arrested nearly once a month." He shouts. I was taken back by his sudden outburst but I was even more shocked by his words.

I stand there in complete shock. He just looks at me.

"Leave if you like, they always do." He says quietly. I step towards him and look his straight into the eye.

"I'm not leaving. Your a different person now." I whisper.

"What is I'm not." He answers. I can see the worry in his eyes. I take another step towards him, this time we are only centimetres apart.

"You are." I whisper and hug him as tightly as I can. "You are."

He wraps his arms around me and we just stay like this for what feels like hours.

I believe he is a different person now but he doesn't. He believes he will always be that little boy who makes the wrong decision. He can't see the man he is when he looks in the mirror.


(Hello! Omg!!! It's snowing! I got out of school and it was snowing and now I'm just waiting for it to get deeper cause I want to go sledging 😂

Mod you like the chapter? It's not as long as the others but I'll probably put another up this week. So you know Toby's past! Well some of it. You actually don't need to know any more but I might put some in the next chapters of it fits in.

I just made an Instagram account as well. I don't post a lot because I'm either writing this or at school. But my name is @spoby__4ever literally my name on this.

Please like and comment ~ Emma xx;)

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