Chapter 27

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The songs for this chapter are:-

Don't ~ Ed Sheeran

Right now ~ One Direction

Secret love song ~ Little Mix ft. Jason Derulo


*Spencer's POV*

Since I called Toby last night I've been thinking about him. He dropped Lily off at school this morning but couldn't talk because he had to go to work.

Lily feels much better after being off for more than a week. You can still see the marks on her skin but she is mostly back to herself.

The bell rings, knocking me out of my trance.

"Don't leave if you can't find your parents!" I shout to my class as they run to their guardians.

"Hi, I'm here to get Lily." I talk woman says. She has dark hair and a beautiful smile. Lily comes up to my side and takes my hand. I look down at her and I can see that she doesn't know who this woman is.

"Who are you?" I ask as politely as possible. Lily squeezes my hand and steps closer.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Yvonne." She smiles. I fake a smile back to her.

"Are you any relation to Lily? Toby told me Sandra was coming to get Lily." I ask. I have a funny feeling about this woman.

"Oh, you know Toby? I wasn't sure if you knew him." She states. I stand quiet and confused.

"I'm Toby's fiancé." She says with a bright smile on her face. What? I step back and let Lily's hand go.

"Fiancé?" This can't be true. Toby's coming to my house for dinner tonight.

"Yes, I just came back from Europe and he proposed last night." She giggles. "Long but very funny story." I can't believe this.

Lily tugs on my dress and I look down at her. She looks worried.

"Oh." Is the only word I can say.

"Lily?" She looks down to her and smiles. "Honey, it's time to go home." She says. She's acting like Lily has no idea what she's saying.

"Okay." She says quietly. I watch as she takes Lily's and starts to walk away.

I run back to the classroom and crash back onto my seat. I burry my head into my hands. My face is wet with tears that I didn't even know were there.

The world feels like it's stopped spinning. I can't think straight. Why would he do this? Propose to another woman right after making plans to see me tonight. Maybe he proposed before he spoke to me. The best part is, I felt guilty for sleeping with another guy. He obviously doesn't care for me.

He had to go mess things up when they were just beginning to be normal again.

*Toby's POV*

"I'll see you all later!" I shout to my co-workers as I walk to my truck. I'm in such a good mood. Dinner with Spencer will be amazing tonight. I'm finally going to tell her I love her. Hopefully she will feel the same.

I quickly jump into my truck and drive to my house. Sandra was picking Lily up from school so she should be there. When I arrive at my home the door is already unlocked.

I quickly look around the downstairs of the house for a robber or creepy man in the corner. All clear.

As I'm about to take my boots off I hear a noise upstairs. I sprint up the stairs to find a woman in my bed.

"Yvonne?" She turns around in only her bra and panties. Oh god, what the hell is she doing her?

"Oh, you home." She states as seductively as she can. It's actually not that sexy as I thought it was back in high school.

"Yvonne, why are you here?" I ask. I have to be at Spencer's in an hour.

"Because, I wanted to see you." She says as she walks towards me.

"Here." I throw a towel, that was hanging on my door, over to her. "Cover yourself up, I need to get ready." I say annoyed.

"What's wrong?" She says ditching the towel. She walks over to me and puts her hands on my chest.

"Yvonne!" I shout. She jerks off of me. "I have a girlfriend." I tell her. She looks offended for a second but then she smirks.

"Oh yeah, the teacher right?" She asks, that evil smirk still playing on her lips.

"How do you know her?" I ask.

"Well I didn't know you two were together until I met her at the school. She looks devastated when I told her we were together." She laughs.

"What? Why were to you at the school?" I ask in complete shock.

"I was picking up my daughter." She starts to walk towards me again and rubs my chest.

"Where is Lily?" I ask angrily. When she doesn't answer I push her off of me and march down the stairs. I hear her run after me.

"She's at a play group, I dropped her off." She informs me.



"Where?!" I shout. She's such a bitch and I'm growing very impatient.

"She with my friends, she won't be back till eight tonight."

"Well as soon as she gets here you will look after her! Now you've messed everything up! I was doing great, I had a life! And the best part is, tonight I was going to tell Spencer I loved her! You just can't see that you had your shot with me and you, you walked away, ran away!" I yell. Before she can answer I storm out slamming the door behind me. I need to find Spencer.

I race to my car and down the street while I try to phone Spencer. I phone her five times and no answer. I pull up outside her house and run in. The doors unlocked.

"Spencer!" I shout. No answer.

"Spence!" I shout even louder. No answer.

I search everywhere in the house and when I get to her bedroom there is a note.

Dear Toby,

I knew you would show up for dinner but I obviously don't know you as well as I thought I did.

I thought maybe we could be together. That you would have been my last first kiss, my first and only wedding. I thought that we were made for each other. I obviously thought wrong.

I will always remember our time together though. Your smile used to make my day one hundred days better and your eyes always used to shine when you saw Lily.

I'm have to go away for a while. Since I met you my life has been so full. I need some time to breath.

I hope you end up happy. I really do. I heard you have a fiancé and I figured it was Lily's mom, Yvonne.

Spencer xx

She's gone.


Hey guys!!! Have a great Friday!

Please like and comment ~ Emma xx:)

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