Chapter 30

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The songs for this chapter are:-

Hold my hand ~ Jess Glynne

Gotta be you ~ One Direction

Troublemaker ~ Olly Murs


*Spencer's POV*

"What if he isn't here?" Aria panics. Here we go again.

"Chill." Hanna places a hand on her shoulder for comfort.

"Ezra loves you, he will be there." Emily assures her.

"Okay ladies! Five minutes!" The wedding planner announces from the door.

"Okay, are you ready." I ask Aria. She looks at her dress once more in the mirror, brushing her hands down the front.

"Ready" she breathed.

The whole way through the ceremony I would sneak glances at Toby and Lily who were sat in the middle. He would give me a small smile and Lily would wave her hand frantically to get my attention. At one point she shouted on me but Toby quickly put his hand over her mouth to shut her up. I hand to cover my mouth with her hand to prevent myself from laughing.

"Do you, Ezra FitzGerald, take Aria Montgomery as your lawfully wedded wife?" The minister asks.

Ezra gives Aria a loving smile. "I do." He answers. He mouths to Aria I love you.

"Do you, Aria Montgomery, take Ezra FitzGerald as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." She says proudly. The smile on both of their faces go wide.

"You are now pronounced man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Everybody in the church erupts into cheers as Aria and Ezra share a long passionate kiss.

I look over to Lily and her hands are covering her face in disgust. I laugh a little and Toby just shakes his head at her.

Everybody starts to pile out of the venue soon after. I meet Toby and Lily outside.

"Hey." I cheer when I see them. Toby has his back to me and when he turns around he gives me a warm smile.

"Hey, you looked gorgeous up there." He complements. I give him a kiss on the cheek and he puts his arm around my waist.

"Well, I better be going." A familiar voice says from my side. Yvonne.

"Bye." She smiles, to Toby. "Oh, and bye Spencer." She spits. I give her the best fake smile I can and take a step closer to Toby.

"Bye Yvonne." Toby replies shortly pulling me even closer as Yvonne brushes him leg with her hand as she passes.

"What was she saying?" I ask Toby when she's out of sight.

"Nothing much, just really bad flirting." He laughs. I'm glad he thinks it funny because I definitely don't.

"Toby, this isn't funny. She could break us up." His smile quickly fades.

"Spence, don't worry about that. I love you." He assures me. He kisses me quickly on the lips.

"Let's go get your friends, Lily's with them." He takes my hand in his and we wake hand in hand to my friends.

"Spencer!" Lily squeaks when she sees me. She runs up and takes my hand out of Toby's. She takes both, me and Toby's, hands. He hear Toby slightly huff and I can't help but laugh at his reaction.

"Your mine tonight." He mouths and winks. I shake my head and smile at him before I start to pay attention to the on going conversation.

"I don't care!" Hanna whines. Caleb and Emily let out deep sighs and give each other an annoyed look.

"Hanna please, it will only take two minutes and it will be funny." Caleb says.

"What's happening?" I ask, obviously clueless.

"You see that sweaty guy over there?" Emily whispers. I quickly nod my head. "He keep looking over at Hanna and we want her to go over and pretend to flirt with him." Emily laughs.

"You guys are so childish." I laugh.

"I'll go flirt with him if you go flirt with that woman with the really bad Botox." Hanna says to Caleb. He looks over and his eyes go wide.

"She looks fifty." He laughs. Hanna just shrugs her shoulders.

"Fine." Caleb huffs. Caleb goes over to the woman, standing a few feet away. We all pay close attention as Caleb starts talking to the woman. It's not long before she slaps him and we all burst out laughing.

He walks back over, holding his cheek with his hand.

"Oh my god that was hilarious." Emily shouts.

"You should have seen your face when she slapped you." Toby chuckles.

Lily is to busy people watching to even notice us all laughing.

"Okay, okay, your shot Hanna." He groans.

"I'll show you how it's done." She winks and walks over slowly to the sweaty man.

A few minutes later and she walks back with a small smile playing on her lips.


"Well we started talking, a bit of flirting and then he gave me his number." She laughs.

"Really?" Emily asks.

"Yep, that's how it's done." She smirks. Caleb cusses under his breath and I laugh a little at how disappointed he is.

"Your just hotter than I am." He groans.

"Don't take it so harsh, babe." She says. He just nods.

"We better get going to the reception." Toby whispers to me.

He lifts Lily off the ground and on to his waist.

"Yeah, guys we are going to head to the reception now." I tell them all. They all nod their heads and say bye.

The three of us walk to Toby's truck and quickly pull out of the parking lot.

Once we got to the reception I made my way to the top table. Hardy (Ezra's friend and best man) is already in his seat.

The place is already quite busy but not everybody is here.

"Babe, we are going to go find our table." Toby tells me. I give him a quick kiss on the lips before he takes Lily to their table.

"Ladies and Gentleman, can you please give a round of applause for Mr and Mrs FitzGerald." Everybody cheers and claps as Ezra and Aria make their way to the table.

I turn to see where Toby is. The place is so crowded and people are moving everywhere.

I finally find where they are sitting. I watch as Toby whispers something to Lily that makes her giggle. A small smile tugging at my lips.

My smile slowly disappears when I see Yvonne sitting down next to him.


(Hey guys, I'm really sorry about the slow update this week. I'm hoping to update again soon.

And if you are wondering why Yvonne is at Arias wedding you will find out in the next chapter.

Please Like and comment because it really helps and you always seem to make my smile ~ Emma xx:)

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