Chapter 33

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The songs for this chapter are:-

Unconditionally ~ Katy Perry

I know what you did last summer ~ Shawn Mendes

Like I'm gonna lose you ~ Megan Trainor

More than this ~ One Direction


"Toby wait!" I shout as he leaves a trail of kisses down my shoulder. His head darts up with a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong." He asks. His eyes show complete confusion.

"I need to tell you something." I breath.

"What is it Spence?" He asks.

"I... I... I kissed someone else." I stuttered, my head facing the floor.

"You.... You...what?" He asks, his voice sounding hurt.

"I'm so sorry Toby." I shake my head in sorrow as tears roll down my cheeks for the second time today.

"Who?" He says angrily.

"I don't know." I admit. I truly don't know who he was.

"Yes you do, who was it Spencer." He demands.

"I really don't know Toby. I was drunk and I can't remember a thing that happened." I cry. I put a hand in his chest but he moves back.

"I don't believe this!" He shouts. I flinch a little at the volume of his voice and for a second I thought he would hit me.

"Toby, I didn't know what was happening, I was drunk!" I sob. He steps back again, hitting the shelves at the other side of the room.

"I can't believe this. I finally fell in love with a girl and I truly thought she felt the same. Well I guess not. Bye Spencer." He says as he opens the door and storms out of the closet.

"Toby wait!" I tell down the hall. He turned around and looked at me once more before going back into the crowded hall filled with happy and drunk people.

*Three days later*

"I'm going to miss you guys, so much." I say, to my three best friends.

"We'll miss you too, Spence. But you get to come back here a couple of times, right? And we will visit you too." Hanna says through tears.

"I'll see you all later." I say giving them one last hug.

"Bye Spencer." Emily cries on my shoulder. I pull her in closer.

Aria pulls me into her embraces. "You stay safe, okay and remember to call me, all the time." She reminds me, giving me a weak smile.

"I will, I promise."'I sniffle. " okay guys, I need to go."

"Bye!" They all wave as I walk through the airport.


"Bye!" They repeat, this time louder. People had started to stare and I just laughed at the three girls as they waved like crazy at me.

"See you later, Spence!"

"You stay safe!"

"Go save some lives!" They all shout. I just laugh and shake my head as I make my way in to the plane. This will be an adventure but I just wish I had someone to be on this adventure with me.


I know it's short but I wanted to just set the scene for the last few chapters! This story is coming to an end.

Please like and comment ~ Emma xx:)

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