Chapter 34

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The songs for this chapter are:-

The one that got away ~ Katy Perry

On my mind ~ Ellie Goulding

If I could fly ~ One Direction

Beside you ~ 5 Seconds of Summer


*One Year Later*

*Toby's POV*

"I'll be down in a minute!" I shout downstairs. I slept in again. I'm going to be late for my new job again. I am now a police officer, which means I get to spend more time with Lily because of the working hours.

"Dad!" She screams. I literally bolt down the stairs, making sure I don't trip.

"Are you hurt." I breath when I reach the bottom.

"No, I just want to have breakfast with you before you go." She smiles. I shake my head slightly, a smile playing on my face.

"Okay, but don't do that again. You scared me." I sigh, while sitting down. Lily just chuckles while taking a spoon full of fruit loops and placing them in her mouth.

I pour out some cereal for myself and start to eat.

"So, any interesting cases at work?" She asks before taking another spoonful of fruit loops.

"Not really." I huff. "This town is quite boring." I laugh. "Any gossip from school?"

"Nah, that school is boring." She laughs. "Ever since Miss Hastings left anyway." She mumbles to herself.

"Why did she leave?" I ask quietly. I never understood why she left, but then a week after our argument I went to her apartment and she didn't answer. Her friends told me she left.

"Africa I think." Lily says.

"Oh." Really? Why the hell would she go to Africa. I hope she's okay.

"Dad, I know you still love her." She smirks. I wonder where she got this big mouth from. I mean she only turned eight last week.

"Just eat your breakfast." I chuckle.

"Oh come on. If I were you I would be taking us both to Africa. On a safari." She laughs.

"Go get ready. I need to be at work in ten minutes." I tell her, completely changing the subject.

"Okay." She sighs before disappearing up the stairs.

I start to put away all the dishes while Lily is upstairs. I can't help but think about what she was saying. Maybe we should go to Africa. Not in search for Spencer but just on vacation and if we bump into Spencer while we are there, bonus.

"I'm ready." Lily sings from behind me. When I turn around she has her backpack over her shoulders and I cute hairband pushing her hair back.

"Let's go then." I quickly grab my truck keys and head out the door.

"Thank you so much, Sandra. You've been such a great help to us." I smile.

"Don't you worry, Toby. I can only imagine how hard it is being a single parent, with no one to help." She smiles at me sympathetically.

"Thank you." I say once more. "And you be good." I say to Lily who is smiling up at me.

"I will." She says. I crouch down beside her and give her a tight squeeze.

"Your..... Going...... To.... Break my bones." She dramatically drops to the ground when I let her go and hits her head on the ground. "Ouch" she sighs.

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