Chapter 37.

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We had just cleared our cell block C, and now everyone was moving in. I helped Daryl and Rick clear out the bodies from the cells. We threw them to the lower level so T-Dog could take them outside. Hershel, Beth, Lori and Carol were now moving in there things, along with Carl.

"What do you think?" Rick asked as he and I walked down the stairs.

"Home sweet home." Glenn said, handing me my things before walking over to the cell he and Maggie had chosen.

"For the time being." Rick retorted.

"It's secure?" Lori asked.

"This cell block is." Rick replied as I walked back up the stairs, I wanted a cell o the upper level. I chose the first on in the row.

"What about the rest of the prison?" I heard Hershel ask as I put my stuff in a cell before sitting down on the bunk.

"In the morning, we'll find the cafeteria, and the infirmary." Rick explained.

"We'll sleep in the cells?" Beth asked.

"I found the keys on some guards. Daryl has a set too." Rick told her.

"I ain't sleeping in no cage. I'll take the perch." Daryl said, walking past my 'cage.' Everyone began residing in their cells, getting ready for bed. I sighed and stood up from the bunk before heading over to the cell door. I leaned on the door frame and looked over at Daryl who was laying on the floor. I grabbed my sleeping bag off the bunk before I walked over to Daryl.

"You can be a stubborn ass sometimes, Daryl Dixon." I smirked down at him. He sat up and smirked. I threw my sleeping bag down next to him before sitting down. He lifted one of his hands and pushed my hair out of my face. I looked down and bit my lip before looking back up at him. "You know you're gonna have to sleep in a cell if we're gonna have a little privacy." I told him, leaning forward slightly. Daryl quickly pushed his lips against mine, kissing me roughly. I kissed back, running my hand up his arm.

"If you two are gonna do that, I advise you get a cell." Rick's voice sounded, causing me to pull away. I looked over Daryl shoulder to see Rick sitting against the wall, smirking up at us.

"Hey Rick, you're welcome to watch." Daryl joked. I gasped and smacked his arm. Rick let out a laugh. Daryl looked back at me before lying down again. I rolled out my sleeping bag before lying on top of it. I lay my head on Daryl's chest before closing my eyes.


Today, we were gonna find the cafeteria. Rick wanted to see how much food that there was. Rick had found some more weapons for us to use, and right now we were stood round the table, looking through them.

"Not bad." Daryl commented.

"Flashbangs, CS Triple-Chasers. Not sure how they'd work on walkers, but we'll take them." Rick explained as Daryl picked up the riot gear helmet.

"I ain't wearing this shit." Daryl mumbled in disgust as a green slime fell off it. He dropped it back onto the tabled.

"We could boil them." I suggested, picking up the pair of gloves.

"Ain't enough firewood in a whole forest, no! Besides, we've made it this far without them right?" Daryl asked, picking up a baton and swinging it.

"Hershel?" Carol called, entering the room. She gestured for Hershel to follow her.

"Everything alright?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, nothing to worry about." She said, leaving the room with Hershel following. I looked down at the weapon again before and hand tapped my shoulder. I turned to see Daryl standing there, holding up a bullet proof vest to me. I frowned at it before locking eyes with him.

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