Chapter 43.

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Piper's Point of View.

Glenn and I were now sitting up in the guard tower. Hershel had checked out my head and it was now in a bandage. "I look stupid." I mumbled, fiddling with the white fabric around my head. Glenn laughed and look back at me.

"You only have to wear it to stop the bleeding, it'll be off by tomorrow." Glenn said, leaning over the barrier, resting on the metal railing. I stood next to him and looked down. "I know you two were close, you and Lori, I mean, sorry you lost her." He then said.

"We all lost her." I told him with a sad smile. Suddenly the sound of an engine pulled our attention towards the road. Daryl's motorbike came into view as he sped down the dirt road.

"Guys, they're back." Glenn called to the prisoners who began to get the outside walkers attention. Glenn shot some of the walkers as Daryl drove in through the gate. "Come on, he doesn't know you're alive." Glenn rushed before grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs of the tower. We rushed up to the courtyard, where Daryl and Maggie were now climbing off the bike. Glenn rushed over to Maggie as Daryl looked over at them with jealousy.

"Now Mr Dixon, what's that look for?" I asked, raising and eyebrow. His eyes shot up to me filled with utter shock before he rushed over to me, wrapping his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and smiled widely. I pulled back before pressing my lips against him.

"The hell happened to you?" He asked.

"Never mind that, did you get the formula?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go." Maggie said before we rushed inside. We entered the cell block tot the sounds of the little girl crying. Beth rushed over to Maggie, helping her make the formula, as Daryl and I walked over to Carl.

"How's she doing?" Daryl asked, pulling off his poncho. He placed his crossbow down before slowly taking the baby from Carl, softly shushing her. He held her close to him and her cries subsided. I smiled at the sight, it was the cutest thing ever. Daryl held his hand out to Beth, who handed him the bottle, which was now filled with formula. "Come on. Come on." He gently called, as she began to drink. Daryl chuckled lightly and looked down at me, I smiled at him before gently placing my lips on the little girl's head. "She got a name yet?" Daryl asked.

"Not yet. But I was thinking maybe Sofia." Carl replied. "Then there's Carol, too, and...Andrea. Amy. Jacqui. Patricia. Or... Lori." He listed. I smiled sadly down at him. "I don't know." He sighed.

"You like that? Huh? Little ass-kicker." Daryl cooed. "Right? That's a good name, right?" He asked us, causing us to laugh. "Little ass-kicker. You like that, huh? You like that, sweetheart?" He asked, gently swaying. He looked back down at me, smiling widely.

"This is the cutest thing I ever saw." I told him, smiling down at the baby. I then looked up at Daryl, before standing on my tip-toes and placing my lips on his forehead. "You're gonna be a great dad one day Daryl Dixon." I whispered. He leant down and placed his lips on mine.

"And you're gonna be a great mom." He told me.


The next day came round quickly and I was sitting up in the guard tower by the main gates. I was up here all night just thinking. Finding out about Lori had affected me a lot, but I'm trying to stay strong, for Carl, and Daryl, and, well, for everyone really. I've cried to much over the past months, I feel like I don't have any tears left. I stood up and leant over the railing, looking out on the field. My eyes fixated on Daryl, who was walking over to Lori's grave. I watched as he knelt down, placing something down on it before standing up and slowly walking away. I sat back down on the floor, leaning back on the wall. I lifted my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, placing my chin on my knees. I closed my eyes and sighed. I heard shuffling coming from inside the tower before a presence came from beside me.

"How are you doing today?" Glenn asked. I opened my eyes and peered at him.

"I'm fine, just thinkin'." I told him.

"They were all wondering where you went last night, I saw you come over here though, I told 'em you were okay." Glenn said. I smiled at him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"How's your head now?" He asked.

"Still hurts slightly, but I'll live." I said. "Got an ugly cut on my head now though." I laughed. Glenn let out as chuckle before he placed something on my head. I pulled my head off his shoulder and felt the thing that was on my head.

"There you go sis', now no-one will see your ugly cut." Glenn joked. I smiled and put his cap on backwards. "It suits you too." He smiled.

"Thanks, brother." I said.

"Oh, and Maggie and I are gonna go out on a run for more formula later, I was wondering if you wanna come with, you know, get outta here for a few hours." He explained.

"Yes!" I rushed out. "I need to get out of here for a little while." I said. Glenn nodded before standing up.

"Come on, breakfast is ready." He said. I sighed and stood up before the two of us headed down and out of the guard tower, before heading into the cell block. As we entered, Glenn went over to Maggie, who was sitting round the table with Beth, who was holding the baby, Hershel, and Carl, whilst I sat down beside Daryl on the steps.

"Cool hat." He smirked. I smiled back as he handed me a bowl of cream colored sludge, also known as cold porridge. I tucked into it, suddenly feeling extremely hungry.

"Everybody okay?" Rick voice sounded. We looked up to see him, entering the room.

"Yeah, we are." Maggie replied.

"What about you?" Hershel asked.

"I cleared out the boiler block." Rick told us, looking down at Carl.

"How many were there?" Daryl asked.

"I don't know. A dozen, two dozen, I have to get back. Just wanted to check on Carl." Rick said, patting Carl's shoulder.

"Rick, we can handle taking out the bodies." I piped in. He looked up at me.

"Yeah, you don't have to." Glenn added.

"No, I do." Rick said before walking over to Daryl and I. He slowed down when he saw me. A small smile grew on his face as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "You're alive." He whispered. I nodded and stood up. I pulled Rick into a hug.

"I'm so sorry bout Lori." I whispered. He nodded and pulled back. I sat down and looked at the floor.

"Everyone have a gun and a knife?" Rick then asked us.

"Yeah. We're running low on ammo, though." Daryl explained.

"Maggie, Pipe and I were planning on making a run this afternoon. Found a phone book with some places we can hit, look for bullets and formula." Glenn explained, earning me a look form Daryl.

"We cleared out the generator room. Axel's there trying to fix it in case of emergency. We're gonna sweep the lower levels as well." Daryl then explained. Rick nodded before walking away.

"Good, good." He mumbled before leaving the cell block, despite Hershel's call. I looked down at Daryl who was looking back at me with a raised eyebrow.

"When were you gonna tell me about goin' out on a run?" He asked, in a quiet voice.

"I only found out today too, plus, I can take care of myself." I told him.

"Just be careful, okay?" He said. I smiled and nodded before placing my lips on his.

Hey guy!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Please vote and comment!! Loves Ya!!

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