Chapter 100.

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 Okay guys so I thought I'd treat you with a small preview of my newest trailer which is going to be released after the Chapter where they meet Negan!! Hope you enjoy!! The full one is on youtube but currently on private, I'll release after the with the chapter where Piper meets Negan.

 As of right now, Daryl, Rick, Morgan and I were looking for Carter and a few of the other townsfolk, Rick wanted to go over the plan one more time but a few people seemed to have gone AWOL since we got back from putting up the barricades. At the minute, we were heading over to the pantry to see if Olivia knew where any of them had gone. Daryl hadn't let me leave his side since earlier though, he's on edge around me now and I get it because he's worried for me and the baby but we're both fine. It was just a one time thing. The four of us reached the pantry, Rick frowned at us when we heard the sound of multiple voices. Rick stepped forward and twisted the handle, pushing the door wide open to reveal Carter holding a gun up to Eugene's head. 

"What the hell is going on?" I snapped, glancing down at the terrified looking Eugene. 

"What are you doing?" Rick sneered at Carter. 

"I'm taking this place back from you." Carter spoke, his voice shaky. 

"That's what you were talking about in here?" Rick asked, turning to the small group in the weapons room, which consisted of Annie, Olivia, Spencer and Tobin. 

"That's what he was talking about." Spencer retorted. 

"See, I would have-- I would have set up some lookouts,  that would have been the smart thing. You know, if I happened to--" Before finishing, Rick pounced at Carter, snatching the gun from his hands and kicking him to the floor. "You really think you're gonna take this community from us? From Glenn? From Michonne? From Piper? From Daryl? From me?" He snarled, aiming the gun at Carters head. "Do you have any idea who you're talking to?" Rick asked. 

"It was just me." Carter whispered. 

"What?" Rick snapped. 

"It was-- it was just me. Just-- just kill me." Carter pleaded, making me look down.  

"Rick." Daryl spoke, bringing Rick's attention away from Carter. 

"I'm good. I'm good." He spoke, handing Daryl the gun. "You can try to work with us. You can try to survive. Would you do that?" Rick then asked Carter who quickly nodded. "Go now, go look over the plan again." He ordered Carter who jumped up and scurried away. I walked over to Eugene and crouched down beside him. 

"You okay, bud?" I asked, holding my hand out. 

"Yes, thank you." Eugene spoke, placing his hand in mine and allowing me to help him up. "I dropped some food." He added. 

"Don't worry about it, Eugene." I smiled. He nodded before also leaving the pantry. I stood up straight and turned back to Daryl who's face held a frown. "You okay?" I asked, placing my hand on his arm. He nodded, but the frown remained on his face. With a sigh, I nodded before exiting the pantry. 

"Hey Pipe?" Daryl called as I began to make my way to Glenn's. I turned to him, frowning slightly. 

"What?" I asked.

"I don't want you going out there." He grumbled. 

"What?" I snapped. 

"You heard, Pipe, after today there ain't no way of tellin' how the baby's gonna affect you out there, when you're fighting, when you're runnin'." Daryl explained. 

"I'll be fine, how many times do I have to tell you that?!" I exclaimed.

"I ain't arguing with you Piper, you're stayin' here with Carol, help protect the town." He snapped before turning and walking away. 

"Screw you Dixon!" I called, before huffing and walking in the opposite direction. 

"Piper." Rick's voice sounded.

"Don't start Rick, I already got the speech from Daryl, I don't need you giving me a lecture as well." I snapped as he walked alongside me. 

"He's just looking out for yo-"

"Yeah, yeah I've heard this all before Rick." I cut him off. "I just want to help out." I sighed, turning to him. 

"You can, you're gonna help protect the town with Carol." Rick explained. 

"Which loosely translates to you're gonna stay behind the walls where you and the baby will be safe, and you don't really have to do anything." I stated, sending Rick a look."Good luck with your run through tomorrow, if you need me I'll be getting a head start on eating all the food." I spoke sarcastically before walking away from him and heading home. As I entered I was greeted by Carol who sent me a smile. I sent a small smile back, but it was a fake one. 

"What's wrong Piper?" Carol asked, walking over to me.

 "Daryl's changed his mind again, he's not lettin' me go out there when the plan goes down, he's practically locking me Alexandria, didn't even let me have a say in it this time." I explained, sitting down on the couch. 

"Maybe what happened to you earlier freaked him out?" Carol suggested. 

"Yeah, probably but it's unlikely that'll happen again I-"

"It could, you could be out there with Glenn and run out of water, the chance of you getting dehydrated and passing out is a high risk now Piper, especially out there when you can't refill your water bottle." Carol explained. I let out a groan, realising she actually had a point. 

"Yeah but we won't be out their long, and this time I'm gonna eat before I leave and take an extra water bottle!" I rushed out, trying to make a point. Carol let out a laugh and placed a hand on my stomach. 

"He's looking out for the both of you, all Daryl wants is for you both to survive." Carol told me. 

"Yeah, I know." 


That night I lay in bed, I decided to hit the hay early but that idea didn't pan out very well and I couldn't get to sleep. I stared out into the darkness of my room, Daryl still hadn't come to bed, I don't even know if he was coming to bed. I was still mad but it was nice to have him by my side. As if on cue, the bed dipped and the sound of clothes being taken off sounded. His head hit the pillow and he turned to me. I turned on my side too, staring at his face, though it was dark I could make out the shape of his head, and the shaggy mass of hair. I could feel him staring back at me, making my heart quicken slightly. I gasped when his cold hand touched my bare stomach, his thumb rubbing circles. 

"I just wanna keep the two of ya safe Pipe." He whispered. I didn't say anything, only let out a small sigh. "G'night, Love you." He added before removing his hand and turning over in the sheets, facing the other way. With out a word, I wrapped my arm round his waist and pressed my cheek against his back, clinging to him. His hand carefully gripped mine and he pulled me closer. "I'm just scared I might loose you." Was his final words before we both fell into slumber. 

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