Chapter 90.

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Finally made a Glenn and Piper video!!^ (Sorry that it's bad!!!)

The next day I woke up early to go to the infirmary. Eric told me where it was and who was the lead 'doctor' there. His name was Pete, Jesse's husband who I had previously me, and he was surgeon before the world ended. Eric told me he was the best that the town had so I wasn't going to argue with that. I was currently getting dressed, when a pair of arms wrapped round my waist. I looked up in the mirror at Daryl, who was staring back at me. His hands travelled down to my bare stomach and he held them there. 

"I hope, if you are, it's a girl." He mumbled. 

"Me too." I smiled before unwrapping his arms from round me. "Go back to sleep, I'll head over to the infirmary and wake you up later when I know." I told Daryl who began to get dressed. "What are you-"

"I'm coming with you, we're sticking together through this, I already told you." He pushed. 

"Okay." I smiled, pulling on my vest, then my boots. "But I do have a request." I spoke, my tone turning serious. I turned to Daryl, who's face held a frown. 

"What?" He grumbled. 

"If I am...Pregnant, I want to continue doing my job as a runner." I spoke slowly, watching as Daryl's frown grew deeper. He went to retort but I piped in. "Just until I start showing okay, I want to be able to help out for as long as I can until I;m put under house arrest, please." I pleaded, but Daryl was silent. "I'm gonna be with Glenn, if we talk to him, he'll take extra care out on the runs, you trust him don't you? Plus I'm barely showing at the moment, it's not like it's gonna be a distraction, right?" I asked. 

"Okay, fine but we'll talk to Glenn." Daryl agreed, making me squeal with joy and run into his arms. 

"Thank you, I promise I'll be extra careful." I told him,smiling.

"Right, let's go, we gotta meet Rick and Carol outside the gates afterwards." Daryl explained, as the two of us left our room and headed downstairs. 

"You two want any breakfast?" Carol asked once we reached the bottom of the stairs. 

"No thanks Carol, um we're going somewhere." I told her, with a smile. She nodded as the two of us then left the house. Daryl and I took a steady walk over to the infirmary. As we neared it, I began to grow more nervous. My heat was pounding extremely hard and my palms became sweaty. Noticing my angst, Daryl wrapped his arm round me shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. 

"You ready?" Daryl asked as we stopped by the front door of the infirmary. 

"I think so." I mumbled before slowly lifting my hand and knocking on the door.

"Come in!" A voice called. Letting out a sigh, I opened the up the door and entered with Daryl following. "Hello there Piper." Pete spoke when he saw me. 

"Hi Pete." I smiled. "This is my husband, Daryl." I told him. Pete nodded at Daryl before looking back at me.

"So what can I do for you?" He asked. 

"Well, I was wondering if you had any pregnancy tests?" I asked, straight up. 

"Yes we do, would you like to use one?" Pete then asked. 

"Yes I would, I've just been showing signs, and I want to know before I get too far into it." I explained, scratching the back of my head. Pete smile and nodded before opening a draw and rummaging through it. Glancing back at Daryl, I sent him a nervous look which, surprisingly, he didn't return. He only nodded calmly. 

"Here you go, they're good, the ones that say how far along you are." Pete explained, handing me a blue box which read 'Clear Blue.' "Bathroom's down the hall." He added, pointing at the hallway. I nodded before heading down to the bathroom. Sighing deeply, I opened the packaging and followed the instructions before heading back out of the bathroom. 

"Now we just have to wait." I told Daryl, who placed his hand on my lower back. 

"Can I ask, before you find out, what signs were you showing?" Pete questioned. 

"Um, nausea in the mornings, sometimes throwing up, I also noticed how my jeans were getting tighter." I explained. "I know that's not a lot of signs but I just wanted to be sure." I added. 

"Okay, well I think you've waited long enough." Pete spoke, pointing down at the test in y hand. 

"I suddenly don't want to know." I stuttered nervously. 

"It's okay, you got this." Daryl smirked. Nodding, I stepped away from Daryl and looked down at the test. 

'Pregnant, 3+' Read the test. 


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My eyes widened, and a small smile spread across my lips. I looked up at Daryl, my smile fell into a smirk as I held out the test to him. He slowly took, and looked down at it. His head shot straight back up to me. 


"Yeah, three weeks, just over." I spoke. 


"Yeah, that night at the temporary housing in Atlanta, that was three weeks ago, there abouts." I told him. "I'm just under a month pregnant." I smiled widely. Daryl smiled and reached over, pulling me into his arms. I hugged him tightly. 

"Well, congrats guys." Pete spoke as Daryl and I pulled apart.  

"Thanks Pete." I smiled as we left the infirmary. "You gonna keep that?" I asked Daryl, who still was holding the test. 

"Yeah, memories." He laughed, putting it in his pocket. 

"Sweet, but gross at the same time." I laughed too, taking his hand. 

"Look, I gotta go out, you alright talking to Glenn by yourself?" Daryl asked. 

"Of course I am." I smiled, kissing his lips. Daryl kissed back, placing his hand on my hip before pulling back and walking away. Smiling widely, I headed back to the houses, going straight over to Glenn's. I knocked on the front door and waited. Glenn answered,looking slightly confused. 

"You know you don't have to knock, Piper?" He asked, confused. 

"I know, but we're trying to lead normal-ish lives now and that means knocking on someone's front door." I told him. 

"Fair enough, come on in Pipe." Glenn laughed, stepping aside to let me in. I entered and followed Glenn into the living room. "So what can I do for ya, Sis?" Glenn asked as we sat down on the couch. 

"Well, I have some news." I told him rather excitedly. 

"You and Daryl aren't pregnant now are you?" He joked, pushing my arm slightly. Biting my lip, I sent him a 'you guessed it' look and his eyes widened. "No way." He exclaimed. I nodded, smiling. "Piper, you're pregnant? Oh my god." Glenn beamed, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. 

"That's what I came to talk to you about!" I spoke. "Also, I made a proposition with Daryl." I added, as we pulled apart.

"And that is?" Glenn pushed, still smiling. 

"That I get to continue doing my job as a runner." I said, slowly. 

"But it's too dangerous." Glenn informed. 

"Well, he said I can keep doing it until I start showing, then I gotta stop." I added. 

"Sounds good to me, but when we're out there, you gotta be careful Piper." Glenn told me, sternly. 

"Always am, bro." I smiled widely, as Glenn pulled me into another hug.

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