Monday's Ugly Cousin

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While walking to my locker I bump into 7 people! I just can't focus when my mind keeps on flashing back on what happened 10 minutes ago! Why am I getting so worked about seeing her back! It's probably because I was caught off guard, I try to reassure myself. I mean who cares if I saw the smooth skin on her back, and the way it arcs slightly while reaching up letting her hair fall back from her shoulders. Woah!? What am I thinking!? I stop not letting my mind get carried away. I shake my head hoping that will throw off any lingering thoughts. What the hell is going on in my head!!!

I stubbornly push anything unimportant to the back of my head, and start walk frustratedly towards my first class, when I bump into someone!? I look down and find a messy pile of red curls spring at me!

"Watch where your going, Frost Face" Merida says in a cold icy voice.

"S..sorry" I mumble.

And thats that, she angrily stomps away, and it's over in a second. I watch her leave with her wild mess of a hair trail behind her. I turn back to the way I'm going and pause. Every thing slows and I just stand there everyones moving past me, but I'm stuck there my legs won't move. I don't freak out, this happens once a week when I meet the girl I broke up with last week for the first time. Then after that I'm fine. Then Rapunzel walks up beside me.

"Whoa, Jack, you know No one will wait for you if you stop, and what are you even doing in the middle of the hallway anyway?" She says annoyed, but you can still see a light flush around her cheeks from before.


I walk around the halls searching for Merida, when I walk upon the last person I want to see today. What the hell is he even doing? There in the center of the hallway is Jack, just standing there, mind somewhere else. I bet he's imagining stuff from this morning. That pervert!

"Whoa, Jack, you know no one will wait for you if you stop, and what are you even doing in the middle of the hallway anyway?" I say irritated, from the thoughts of this morning still wandering around my head.

"Huh, What?" Jack snaps back into reality, but his eyes still blank.

"Are you okay?" I say my irritation replaced with worry.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry about." His voice just above a whisper.

"Uhhh...Jack I........" Just then I see Merida's curly hair and I run off.

"Uhh.. Sorry Jack gotta go, see ya later!!" I rush

I don't know what was going on with Jack, but I would have to worry about that later, since I have to deal with something more important first.

"Merida!" I call out.

"What?" She answers with a slight edge in her voice.

"Umm..can you meet me during study hall fourth period, I have something I want to tell you!" I blurt out.

"Fine" she sighs her tone softening. "See ya then."

"Kay!!" I smile.

I turn around and dance a little, celebrating my success! I would tell Merida what happened and explain that I would break it off with Jack right after! I just hope she won't get angry at me, like that time I decided I would go on a strike for "Lucky Charms" to be a mandatory item on the cafeteria menu. I don't even know what I was thinking then, but boy, did Merida explode! She said if I had to go on a strike it should be for "Cocoa Puffs" in the end we went on a strike for both, and yes, we got what we wanted.


At fourth period I met up with Merida at our usual spot, but when the time came to explain I suddenly got nervous. Merida, I could tell was starting to get ticked off, so I told her that we should go outside.

We sat at the top of our favorite steps, and I gathered up all my courage.

", something happened while you were gone yesterday!!" I say

"W..what, happened?" she asks suspiciously.

"Well....." I start "first-I-went-to-Jack-and-meant-to-stand-up-for-you-but-then-he-said-something-about-hurting-your-heart-for-love-and-I-was-like-Heh-yeah-right-and-said-why-don't-you-date-me-then-as-a-joke-but-then-then-he-took-it-seriously-and-now-I-ended-up-dating-him-but-don't-worry-I-plan-to-tell-him-what-I-really-meant-and-breack-up-with-him-and-I'm-really-sorry-please-have-mercy-on-me!!!" I begged.

I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for my answer, but after a while I opened my eyes and finding Merida staring back without emotion.

"Thats fine" she shrugs like I didn't just pour my heart and soul out for her!

"He will just break up with you after a week." She reasons.

"So you can date him if you want to." She answers.

"O..okay?" I say not sure what else I could.

Does that means she's ok with it? Why would she want me date Jack? I mean she didn't actually say she wanted me to date him, but saying I can is basically the same thing.

Wait, do I want to date Jack?

Ughh, Tuesday is turning out to be just as bad Monday!!!

Seven Frosted DaysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon