Chapter 9 Sugar Honey Ice Tea

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Recap- (Unknown POV)

"Your dismissed John," I said and in swift motion I broke his neck in the way that would kill him.

"Jace get in here," I ordered and he was in here in less than a second.

"Look your the new second in command and Smith is the third I need you to get rid of this body, and keep an eye on Madison and Chris." I instructed.

"Alright," he got to work on getting the body out.

Chapter 9 Sugar Honey Ice Tea

Madison's P. O. V.

The next morning I woke up on the floor to Chris lightly kicking my leg.

"Whaaat?" I wined

"Get up we gotta make sure Cody gets to Kindergarten on time. And make sure Jess and Cody both now what bus to get on after school," Chris said.

"Okay," I rolled over only to realize Cody was still laying down on my other side.

"Cody," I shook his shoulder.


"It's time to get up bro," Chris walked away to wake up Jess leaving everyone else asleep since the still had a hour until they had to get up.

"I don't wanna."

"Don't you wanna go to school and play with all your new friends?"

"Yea," at that it was like he got I huge amount of energy with how he jumped up and started for the stairs.

I slowly got up observing how Jayden was still asleep on the arm chair wrapped up in my big green comforter, while trying to figure out how me and Cody ended up on the floor with a small blue blanket. After coming to the conclusion that that he must have put us on the ground some time dining the night in order to make room for himse, I let the situation drop. For now that is.

After looking around the room to make sure everyone was okay even though I don't no why they wouldn't since their sleeping I made my way to the kitchen.

Once I made it in to the kitchen I seen Jess dragging a chair over to the pantry.

"Jess what are you trying to do?"

"Get the cereal."

"Do you want me to make you some waffles instead," I questioned walking over to her.

"YES!" she exclaimed.

"Alright well what kind do you want, and while I'm making your food go wash your face and pick out your clothes for school."

"Chocolate chip!" she ran off in the direction of her room.

I walked over to the freezer and took out the chocolate chip waffles along with the blueberry pancake sausages for Cody when ever he walks in here.

Five minutes later, Jess and Cody were both sitting down eating while watching TV, Chris was ironing their outfits for the day and and I was putting a fishtail braid in Jess's hair.

"I'm done...." We all ended up saying at the same time, causing me Jess and Cody to laugh while Chris just smiled and shook his head.

"Alright you guys go brush your teeth and get dressed," Chris said handing them their clothes after we all calmed down and they put their dishes in the sink.

"I'll drive them to school," I said


I ran up the stairs to my room thinking of how I should wake up my lovely mate. Once I reached my room I put on a pair of socks and sliding on my Nike slides. And that's when it hit me, the perfect way to wake him up.

I ran all the way back down the stairs and into the kitchen and grabbed the biggest bowl that I could find, which ended up being a big salad bowl. Then, I opened the freezer and took out the big bag of ice.

"What you doing Maddy?" All the sudden Cody walked in, wearing black shorts and a plain white shirt with with his Black and white Jordan's.

"I'm getting ready to pull a prank on Jayden. Wanna help?"

"Yea!" He exclaimed running towards me.

I picked him up and placed him on the counter and laid the bowl down beside him. "Hold the bowl in place OK?" he nodded his head while I started to pour the ice into the bowl until it was full.

"Can you get me a plastic cup?" Cody asked and I simply handed one to him watching him fill it with cold water.


"Yep," he jumped off the counter. "Can you hand me my cup?" I handed it to him while picking up the bowl of ice.

Once we made it down to the basement we quietly made our way over to Jayden. I slowly lifted my comforter off of him and ended up in a daze once I seen his eight pack. Until Cody pulled on the edge of my PJ shorts.

Slowly I sat on the edge of the seat and put the bowl in my lap.

"Hey Jayden, get up baby," I said softly.

"Morning babe," he turned his head in my direction but kept his eyes closed.

"Are you awake baby?" I said quietly

"mmm yea."


As soon as the words left my mouth I turned over the bowl of ice all over his stomach and some on on his head. But what I didn't expect was for Cody to take his cup of cold water and splash it all on ME.

"Awwww Holy-" Jayden started

"Sugar Honey Ice Tea!" I cut him off not wanting him to actually curse especially not around Cody. "CODY!!!!!" I yelled not understanding why he splashed it on me.

At that he ran out of the room laughing his little heard off.

"MADISON!!!!!" this time it was Jayden that called my name.

At that I took off running the direction that Cody went, "It was all Cody's idea!!!!" I blamed. "By the way I'm not available at the moment, gotta go take my little bro and sis to school. By the way everyone it's time to get up for SCHOOL!!!! " I screamed before slamming the basement door closed.

"Jess come on!!! Cody get your back stabbing potty face out here.

Soon enough we were all in my car with Jess in the passengers seat and Cody in the back. As soon as we were outside the our house gates and on the main road we were all singing Hip hop and R&B songs.


On the side is a picture of a fishtail braid!!!!

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