Chapter 6 Did I Just get rejected

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Chapter 6 Did I Just Get Rejected

In class I learned that Will and Kamal are the funny ones and pretty nice and Trevor and Darain are the type that thinks it is funny to take your stuff and not give it back and Noah he is funny, playful, sweet, and can be serious if needed to also I learned not to have food out around them since they ate most of the food my brother gave me. Oh and Darain and Will both found their mates, Darain's mate is Kiara and Will's mate is Sonya the girls I met in second period, and they are all good friends with the future alpha that from what I heard is one of the major players of the school, and should have been in homeroom, first, and second with me and we should have fifth period together also.

Once class was over, Noah and I walked to our lockers together, which were right next to each other, and told the others that we would meet them in the lunch room.

"So what do you think about the gang?" Noah asked as he opened his locker.

"They're really cool, but I'm nervous about meeting the upcoming alpha . What is his name again?" I said as I put things in my locker and took things out that I would need for my next three periods.

"His name is Jayden and you shouldn't have to worry about him trying to get in your pants at lunch since his 'girlfriend' usually sits with us," he said putting emphasis on girlfriend and closing his locker.

"Alright, well, we should go since everyone is waiting for us," I said, grabbing his hand.

Once we entered the lunch room, Noah walked me over to the table that I guess we're sitting at so that we could put our things down before we got in the lunch.

"So what are you getting?" Noah asks once we were in the lunch line with everyone else.

"Ummmmm, two slices of pizza, four cookies, a bag of hot Cheetos, and a Dr. Pepper," I said quickly.

"Daaaannng, for someone that some would say is skinny, you sure can eat a lot."

"Well, for starters, I didn't eat breakfest , and a group of boys ate all of my food...." I said, putting my hand on my chin acting like I'm in deep thought, but seeing how he was about to burst out laughing probably because of how stupid I looked.

"You know I really don't see why I'm about to eat so much." I finished off laughing a little myself.

"That snickers was good, you no, but let me pay you back by buying your lunch."

"Deal!" I said happy since now I may have someone else to count on other than my brother.

"Good, now go and sit at the table and I will bring the food." He commanded me.

On my way back to the table, I saw my brother sitting with a few other people, so I started my way over to him.

"Hey Chris!" Was all I said, but that was enough to gain the attention of everyone at the table.

"Hey Madison, what do you want?" He said, but I could tell he was mad I came over.

"Just to give you back your money." I said as I handed to him and then walked away.

As I salked away, I could hear hear the people sitting with him asking who I was.

"Hey, you guys," I said as I sat down next to Kamal.

"Where is your food at?" Kamal asked

"Noah is buying my lunch to pay me back for eating my snickers." I said with a smile on my face.

"Ohhhh," was all he said

Then two people that I haven't meet yet came and sat down at the table and at first I figured they were mates until his scent hit me, and it was like I was caught in a trance, just like the others he had tan skin, nice muscles, amazing breath stopping blue eyes that right right now were locked on my blue green ones

"Whats up, Jayden? This is Madison she's new here," Trevor started snapping me out of my trance and back to what was going on. "And Maddy, this is Jayden the soon to be alpha, and this is Sophia," he finished off.

Nobody said anything and when I glanced over at Sophia I see her staring at me then I look toward Jayden to see him looking at me with lust filled eyes and I keep my eyes trained on his as well trying to hold back the urge to say the one word on my mind 'MATE'. That is when I realized that this is the Jayden that that gets what he wants from a girl then kicks them to the curve , the Jayden that is about to become the alpha of the biggest pack in the U.S.

"Hey Maddy, I got your food." Noah says, snapping me out of my thoughts while he sits down on my other side.

"Thanks so now you don't owe me anything." I said, trying to sound serious but failed.

"O sure, what about the other guys?"

That is when something caught my gaze, Sophia was leaning over, putting her lips on my mates. I sat their for a few seconds waiting for him to push her away, but no when he realized that I was watching he kissed her back and pulled her onto his lap and that is when I couldn't hold it in any more and I said it.

"Mate..." I said it, but it was only a whisper, but that was enough to make everyone stop talking about whatever it is they were talking about and even enough to make Jayden and Sophia stop sucking faces

"What did you say?" Sonya asked

"Oh, I said I'm going to the bathroom, and I'll be back." I said, trying to hold back the tears since I'm pretty sure I just got rejected.

"We'll come with." Kiara and Sonya said it the same time.

"No, that's OK. I'll be back in no time. You two should stay and finish eating." I said right before I turned and walked away.

I didn't even get all the way out of the lunch room before a tear left my eye. When I entered the restroom, I left right back out because it smelt so bad. I started down the hallway, planning on going outside to get fresh air.

Jaydens P.O.V.

That is when Sophia kissed me, at first I didn't plan on kissimg her back I was just going to push her off of me, but then I realized that she was watching, waiting for me to do just that, so then no matter how much I didn't want to I kissed her back I even went as far as pulling her onto my lap and we kept on kissing until I heard her say it.

"Mate..." Madison whispered, but I could hear it clear as day just like everyone else.

"What did you say?" Sonya asked

"Oh, I said I'm going to the bathroom, and I'll be back." She replied, and I could tell she was trying not to cry since I gave her the impression that I didn't want her.

"We'll come with." Kiara and Sonya said at the same time while I wondered why girls always go to the bathroom together.

"No, that's OK. I'll be backing no time. You two should stay and finish eating." She said before leaving

"What's her problem and Noah is she your...."

"No, she is not my mate, and she does not have a problem, but I do think something upset her." Noah said, cutting Sophia off .

"Yea, I agree something is up with baby girl." Trevor said, looking worried, which made me feel bad since I knew that I was the one that made her feel the way she was, and now I got everyone worried about her.

"Baby girl, really, you all only met her today, and you all act like you know her. And you two never offered to go to the bathroom with me. Sophia said, getting up off of me and sitting in her own seat.

"We never asked because we don't like you, and why don't we all just text her." Kiara said, getting sick and tired of Sophia's mess.

"Good idea!!!!!!!" Everyone at the table said besides for me and Sophia.

"Wait, you all have her number?" I asked, feeling kind of jealous

"Well yea me and kiara got her number, email address, home address, and we're friends on Facebook." Sonya said in a duh tone.

"Same here. we just got all of that in fourth period." Will explained

"Well, I'm going to the restroom. Be back." I said, getting up and leaving.

When I got out of the cafeteria, I looked around for my mate until I saw her walking down the hall. I ran ran swiftly down the hallway to make sure she wouldn't hear me. Once I reached her, I'm put one hand over her mouth and an arm around her waist.

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