Chapter 13 Shaggy and Scooby

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Recap- (Jayden's POV)

"Man I'm surprised you even let her drive it," Noah said.

"Man you know he's wiped!" exclaimed Trevor.

"Whatever man," I said while leaving out of the office so I can go get some supplies so that I can start cleaning my room

Chapter Thirteen - Shaggy and Scooby

Madison's POV

I watched as she inhaled though her noise, then her entire frame stiffen. Then all the sudden her eyes snapped up and meet mine.

Our gazes were locked. Neither one of us would look away. I don't know how look we were just striking at each other, but it must have been for at least seven minutes.

"Ma'am are you ready?" that was the next voice I heard coming from the person behind the counter. When I looked behind me I seen the person that was once in front of me in line walking out with their order in hand.

"Ma'am?" the lady questioned again.

"Um sorry I'm not ordering," I walked out of the line and went over to my 'mom'. If I can even call her that.

Once I reached her she already had her computer put away and standing up with it in one hand.

"Wai-" I was cut off when she gripped my upper arm and started dragging me towards the door with her.

"Where are you taking me?!" I called.

"Stay quite and come on," she continued to lead me to the door.

Once outside my phone started going off in my back pocket. By the ring tone I could tell it was Jayden.

"Is that the alpha, your mate?" So spoke quietly and fast, as if she thought someone was listening.

"Yes," I said

"Answer it," she said while she let go of my arm and got into my I mean Jayden's car on the passengers side.

"Hello," I finally answered closing the drivers side door quietly once I got in, hoping he didn't hear.

"Hey babe are you OK?" I looked over at my mother Christina and seen her shake her head signaling not to say anything.

"Y y Yea What's up?" I stuttered nervous about if I made the right choice of walking over to her.

"Babe were are you?" he sounded like he was worried.

"In my car." I answered.

"Babe are you OK?" he must me able to tell something was up. Once again I looked over at the woman sitting in the passengers seat, shaking her head again telling me to not open my mouth.

"Yea I'm fine gotta go," I rushed not wanting him to question me anymore, and hung up without even saying bye.

Once I put my phone down on my lap I look at her.

"Roll up your windows," she told me while looking around as if someone was watching. I put the keys in the ignition and started the car up rolling the windows to the car up.

"Turn on and turn up the radio as high as it can ," she told me still looking around. When the radio was as high as it could go it hurt my ears but didn't turn it back down.

"Just listen OK?" her tone was soft and pleading so I simply nodded. " I know you want answers and by the way you were looking at me earlier I can tell they haven't told you anything. But right now is not the time early Saturday morning I will tell you, if you can get here this Saturday at three fifteen a.m. I will tell you everything that I can. Alright?"

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