Chapter 19 Clearing the Air

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"Of course you guys did," I slammed the door closed and started to walk out, and to my room.

"Hold up babe." Jayden grabbed my hand and started walking with me.

While walking up the stairs we seen Chris on his way down.

"Is everything okay I heard a loud sound?" Chris asked

"Just spiffy." I mumbled, continuing on to my room to go to bed.

Chapter 19




All of the sudden my alarm for school started to go off. The original plan was to skip school today and hang out with Blake and the rest of my friends but now I feel like that is the last thing that I want to do, I mean what is the point anyway.

"Baby turn that stupid alarm off, so we can go back to sleep." he pulled me closer to him.

Sighing I reached over and turned my alarm off.

Lifting his arm off of me I slide out of bed.

"Where are you going, and what time is it?" he groaned.

"It's six thirty, and I'm going to take a shower before school."

"Babe what are you talking about school? We just got to bed a while after midnight, and the plan was for everyone to hang out, ya know since your best friend and his little sis is here." He sat up in bed rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Yea well I'm I'm sure he rather hang with other people." I mumbled under my breath going into the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

After doing all that I needed to do I dressed in my black leggings and my loose gray t-shirts that's long in the back and says stop killing my vibe across the front in black letters, pairing it with a pair of all black Jordans.

Walking back into my room I seen Jayden was no longer laying in bed, and not even in my room for that matter.

Walking into my closet I picked some clothes out and stuffed them into my pac pac, figuring that I'll just go to Jayden's house after school.

Once I had all that I needed I made my way downstairs and tossed my bag by the door before making my way into the kitchen.

I'm the kitchen sat Jayden eating a bowl of cereal. Next to him was another bowl filled with cookie crisp, knowing that it was for me I went to the refrigerator to grab the milk before pouring it over the cereal.

Taking my seat I began to eat both of us in silence.

"Ya know you can stay here and sleep if you want you don't have to go to school with me." I said once we both finished eating.

"I didn't get all the stuff I had to do done early just so I could hang around without you. I did it so that I could be with you today and this weekend. Being at school isn't what I thought we would be doing today, but at least we will be together."

Leaning over I quickly pecked his lips before grabbing both of our spoons and bowls and taking them to the sink.

"Are you ready baby?" I questioned

"Yeah." he yawned while rubbing his eyes. "But you're driving while I get some more sleep." he mumbled while heading to the door with me.

When we reached my car I tossed my bag in the back seat, before getting behind the wheel. While Jay made himself comfortable in the passengers seat.

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