Chapter 5 Do I Want A Mate?

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Chapter 5 Do I want a Mate?

Madison's Pov.

"So where are you from?" Noah asked

"O here their and every where." I seen the confused look on his face and carried on. "OK it is just that I move around a lot until now so it is kind of like I've been every where.

"Why do you move around so much?"

"Well my dad likes to see new places but every since he met his mate she wanted to come back to her pack so here I am!"

"OK I get it I guess. Have you meet your mate yet?" He asked but it was like he already new the answer.

"No not yet but I really I don't care if I do or not."

"Why not?" He asked like he really wanted to no.

"Well it is just that they always want to tell you what to and what not to do. Do you have one?"

"No but I can't wait until I get one. And if I were you I would watch what I say because you would never no if your mate was right outside the door right now. He said with a sly smirk on his face, but before I could ask what in the world he meet by that the bell meaning it was time for first period to officially  start.

Well I guess I will just have to wait to ask him later.

'Unknown Pov'

"Have you meet your mate yet?" I could hear Noah ask her.

"No not yet but I really don't care if I do or not." I could hear her say

"Why not?"

"Well they always want to tell you what to and what not to do. Do you have one?" And now she does not want a mate since she thinks all they do is control.

"No but I can't wait until I get one. And if I were you I would watch what I say because you would never no your mate was right outside the door right now. Once he said that I all I could think is how funny he must think he is right now.

"That is when Sophia my on and off girl friend comes up to me and kisses me be surprise. Me and Sophia are the idol couple since I am the quarterback on the football team and she is the head cheerleader and and she goes around telling people that she is my mate because she wants to be the the female alpha but she isn't and will never lead my future pack and people no it is a lie because once you find your mate and in a way meet them you can't think of being with someone else and me and her both sleep around with other people and come back to each other because to me she is one of the best people that I've been with.

That is when I was snapped back reality "Hey babe you wanna skip first and go out for breakfast?" Sophia asked me.

Then all of the sudden the bell rung, dang have I really been staning their for that long, to the point the first period is already over. All the sudden i realized that I had to get away from here before she comes out because I might have sent Noah to see how easy she might be but that was before I found out that I don't want anyone else to have her but me. So I took off down that hall holding Sophia's hand taking her with me. Since the last thing that I need is for those two to meet.

"Were are we going?" Sophia asked but sounded kind of happy since I was holding her hand and taking her along with me.

"Out to breakfast." I said as casual as I could, when in the inside I was freaking out because I'm going to have to come face to face with her sooner or later and I pick later. That is when my wolf comes to the surface with what he has to say.

' Why are you trying to run away from our mate?' My wolf asked my anger clear in his voice.

'You heard what she said and why does it even matter we can have anyone we want with no strings attached we can use the girl for what we want and then give them the boot.'

'And we could also claim our mate now and have it the best way because you no what they say once you find your mate it is like you found your other half and in your case your better half.' he said 100% right because people say that once you find your mate even their touch will set you off and the whole fire works affect something that nobody else can give you.

'OK but what if she does not want us?' asked him really wanting to hear his answer to this.

'Listen to yourself you are sounding weak for the future alpha of the biggest, badest pack that their is. She will want us because we will make her.'

'You heard what she said she does not want a mate that will tell her what to do!!!!'

'Well I guess we will have to think about a sneaky way to do it.' He said sounding sly

And that is when I heard a slight scream but that was enough to make me stop and turn around.

Madison's POV

Walking out of cIass I could see to two figures running down the hall and I could tell by the to bodies that one was male and the other was female and they were holding hands and by the looks they were running away from someone mainly the guy since he was basically dragging her along with him.

That is when someone else running down the hall ran right into me and before I had time to react I was falling backward toward the ground and not really meaning to I let out a slight scream, but I did't hit the ground I slowly started to open my eyes since the were just closed I look up to see Noah looking down at me with his arms wrapped around my waist and a smile on his face.

"Are you alright princess?" Was all that he asked while standing me up straight.

"Yeah it is just that I almost got ran over if it was not for you I would be on the ground." I said now facing him with his arms still around my waist looking me straight in my eyes. Until we heard a growl coming from down the hall and his hands dropped to his sides and we both looking down the hall to see who it was coming from, but that is when every one started to carry on with what they were doing and I did not get a chance to see were it was coming from since the hall was to crowed.

The next class went by pretty quick we did not have much to do so me and Noah talked the whole time and he is actual pretty funny. Then he went a head and walked me to third  period that was OK I meet two girls one named Kiara, and the other named Sonya and they invited me to eat lunch with them. Once I got to fourth I seen Noah again but he was with a couple other guys and I didn't think he would talk to me but to my surprise they all took a seat around me.

"Hey Noah!" I said kind of happy that I would not have to hang by myself in this period since me Noah and all the guys that were with him were to only ones in here that was werewolf.

"Hey Maddy..... Baby girl I want you to meet the guys in the pack."

"Alright!" I said happy that I will be most likely getting some new friends.

"Guys this is Madison. Baby girl this is Trevor, Darain, Will, and Kamal.

All the guys were Hot I mean if I couldn't tell by their scent that they was wolfs then I really tell by how they looked that they were.Trevor had this little boy look to him and a killer smile with sandy blondish hair and muscles that you could tell he worked out. Darain was also tan with a Mohawk in his head on one side it said his name and on the other it had stars cut into it. Will was also tan and had a low hair cut but had a blank expression one his face as if he did not no what was going on but still had something about him. In then Kamal he was tan and muscular like the rest with a low cut hair cut and and these brown eyes that was different from the rest like they held a mystery

We all said hello and hey and the guys muttered stuff about you never told us she looks this good. which made me blush a little and the teacher came in to start the lesson.


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