Nashi Chapter 1

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*3rd POV*

“Alright class, listen up!” Iruka calls, tapping his clipboard to gain his student’s attention. He waits patiently until his students settle down before speaking. “Today, we will be having a new student join our class. Please welco-”

He is cut off as a large cloud of smoke appears. The kids sitting nearest to it cough and wave their hands in front of their faces. Once it disappears, the to-be ninjas could see a man wearing tinted glasses appear next to Iruka. They converse quietly before the chunin disappears with another cloud of smoke, leaving behind something. Or rather... someone.

A small figure wearing a cloak and a mask stands where the chunin once was, not making a noise. Iruka smiles kindly down at the newcomer before addressing the rest of the class.

“As I was saying, this is our new student…” He quickly shuffles through his papers. “Um… Nashi Umi?” Iruka looks at the cloaked figure for confirmation. The small statured child continues to stand there, giving no indication he or she had heard him. “Ah, yes... Well, Nashi, would you like to tell the class anything about yourself?”

There newcomer expresses no sign of interest and continues to stand there, the eyes on the mask boring intently at the other children. An awkward silence envelopes the classroom. Iruka coughs purposefully, trying to break the tension. The child must just be shy...

“Well, you can sit next to…” Iruka scans the room for an empty seat. He is interrupted yet again as another chunin transports inside with another cloud of smoke. They whisper quietly, the students in the front row notice the urgent tone of the chunin.

“He did WHAT?!” Iruka exclaims loudly with a peeved expression, Nashi doesn’t flinch at the sudden explosion unlike some of the others.  “Class, I must attend to urgent matters. Wait quietly. Nashi, you can sit in any empty seat you find. I’ll be right back!” He and the chunin both disappear in a puff of smoke, leaving Nashi alone in a room full of strangers.

Nashi silently strolls up the stairs before sitting in the nearest empty seat next to a raven-haired boy. Chaos erupts in the classroom as soon as the adults leave, the students taking the liberty to act freely without the supervision of their sensei. They turn in their seat and begin to chatter noisily with their neighbors. A blonde and a pinkette make their way towards Nashi, both trying to appear intimidating.

The two ninja-in-training stop in front of Nashi’s seat. Their abrupt movements draws the attention of the entire class.

“So, you’re Nashi?” the blonde sneers, peering haughtily down at the cloaked figure. Nashi remains quiet, not answering the rhetorical question. “Well I’m Ino Yamanaka!” she continues, unfazed by the lack of answer.

“And I’m Sakura Haruno!” the pink-haired girl hurriedly adds, determined not to be overshadowed by her ultimate rival.

“Anyways... Are you a guy or a girl?” Ino questions abruptly, leaning forward with an arrogant smirk across her feminine features. All she can see is a figure wearing a long, high-necked, black cloak with a hood attached. The hood covers the entire back portion of the wearer’s head while a detailed, snarling dragon mask hides the front. Judging merely by appearances, Ino and the rest of the class were left in the dark.

The eavesdropping students lean forward, awaiting Nashi’s answer. The only exceptions are a boy who slept through the entire commotion and two who choose to sit stonily in their seats rather than participate. Nashi’s covered head slowly lifts as the class waits on baited breaths. The black and white eyes of the dragon bore straight into Ino’s, unnerving the blonde.

“Well, are you going to tell us, or not?” Sakura huffs, crossing her arms. Nashi’s head slowly pivots towards her, causing the pinkette to splutter in fear. Those creepy reptilian eyes send shivers through her spin.  “J-just stay away from Sasuke!” They both stumble back into their seats without a further explanation as to who this Sasuke could be. The other students groan in dissatisfaction, still pondering Nashi’s gender.

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