Nashi Chapter 14

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*Nashi's POV*

The tiger I summon is my fire seal. One of the four Shang Seals to be exact. Under them are Xia Seal, strong in number but weak in strength. Above all of them are the three Xian Seals, the prized secret of my clan. They are considered holy and are impractically impossible to control without some sacrifice.

I watch flatly as the tiger engages the two samurai in a quick round of taijutsu. Claws and teeth versus swords and fists. Usually, I wouldn’t summon a powerful seal for such a nuisance, but I am utterly tired of this nonsense. The seal glances at me, I nod distractedly at his silent question. He leaps back a few paces away and opens his enormous jaws, revealing rows of dagger-like teeth.

Fire swarms in the tiger’s mouth, building up into a raging ball of flame. He snaps his jaws shut, launching the fireball at the petrified samurai.

*3rd POV*

A huge fiery explosion shakes the earth, causing a dozen or so flocks of birds to take to the sky. A gust of whiplash screams past the bridge as Kakashi and Zabuza momentarily stop their fighting and stare at the settling dust. They both conclude at the same time.



*Nashi’s POV*

I stare guiltlessly at the charred, twitching bodies of the samurai. My Fire Seal stands loyally next to me, only suffering minor injuries. His rough pink tongue pokes out to lick a wound on his shoulder.

“Wow!” Inari gasps. I swivel, having forgotten about him. The tiger summon snarls at the boy, regarding him as a threat. The kid shrinks back at the ferocious cat. I place a calming hand on his furry head, signalling him to leave the innocent child alone.

“Your Highness,” the tiger bows respectfully before disappearing in another swirl of red. Inari freezes with his jaw comically open. Not bothering to heal myself, I begin making my way towards the bridge. I could still hear the distant ring of clashing weapons and sweet scent of freshly spilled blood.

I am stopped, however, as a pair of small arms hug my waist. I stiffen in shock, not expecting this sort of attack.

“Thank you, Nashi!” Inari muffles into my back. I control the urge to tear him apart. Tensing at the foreign feeling of someone’s loving gesture, my mind races with memories that appear unwillingly. Memories that had buried long ago.  

I pry his arms off and hold him at a distance. “Go to your mother,” I mutter. He grins and takes off. Annoying brat... I resume my way to the bridge with my mission to kill Zabuza in mind.


I slink in the shadows of the tree, spotting Kakashi and Zabuza face each other warily. Useless Sakura stands off to one with a measly kunai to guard Tazuna. Looking to the left, my eyes catch sight of an interesting dome of ice. I taste the air, most of the blood was concentrated from inside the dome. I could smell Sasuke and Naruto’s blood.

Shoving down my hunger and I teleport next to Kakashi. He smiles at me as if expecting my presence. Zabuza, on the other hand, jerks slightly at my sudden appearance.

“You again,” he growls. I opt to ignore him, instead staring at Kakashi. He looks down at me, face slightly strained with worry.

“Why, hello, Nashi.” he comments lowly, trying to disguise his concern. Scoffing, I open my mouth to retort when a sharp crack echoes in the eerily silent air.

My eyes widen as the impenetrable ice begins to crack. I can make out the surge in bloodlust from inside. Kakashi gasps next to me, shuddering.

“This chakra...” he mutters, hand edging towards his weapons pouch. I frown, unable to feel the immense pressure of chakra the others feel. My lack in chakra forbids me from feeling others, which sometimes got in the way while completing recon missions. Not heeding Kakashi’s warning, I inch closer to the ice.

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