Nashi Chapter 27

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*3rd POV*

The dark ball of energy floats out of Nashi's hand, leaving a trail of red-black blood connecting it to its creator. It steadiliy continued to grow in size, taking the shape of human's sillouette. The high-pitched screaming gets louder before sbruptly cutting off. Beads of sweat forms on Nashi's forehead as she concentrates harder to keep the Yin Seal from releasing its true form.

"Why do you summon me in my Bu Fen Form?" the figure questions lowly. It's voice was surprisingly mellow and soothing to hear, a sharp contrast to its appearance. The ghastly humanoid races towards Nashi. Sui bellows, shaking the stadium, and surges forward to protect his master. Before he could do anything, the string of blood connecting the two bubbles and glows, causing the attacking shadow to drop to the ground.

Nashi begins to chant something quietly underneath her breath. The dark figure convulses on the ground before lying still facedown.

"How dare you... stupid Akuma...!" it grinds out. The blood line pulses as the figure begins to gain color and detail, unsteadily rising to its feet.

A collective gasp rises from the spectators as a woman developes right before their eyes. She has long ebony hair and deathly pale skin. Clothed in a purple and silver revealing dress and staff in hand, she appeared eerily beautiful.

Sui sighs in what seems to be relief. He looks battered from Yasuki's barrage of attacks, for earth is naturally weaker than lightning. He bows towards Nashi again before disappearing in a swirl of red.


"The legendary Yin Seal... Hei An..." the Hokage whispers in awe. The Kazekage glances at him in curiousity.

"What is she?" he asks hoarsely, observing the woman with beady eyes.

The Hokage picks up his pipe and continued puffing thoughtfully. "The Yin half of the soul summoned... Something even I have never been able to witness in my life." The Kazekage grins underneath the cloth concealing the lower half of his face.

"Quite interesting..." he mutters, thinking outloud.


"Why must you summon me? You bother me so, insolent girl." An asks darkly. She tries to attack Nashi again but the thin thread of blood connecting them prevents her from doing so. Nashi continuesly chants unintelligible words under her breath.

Nashi wills An to sprint towards Yasuki, sceptor raised high in the air. The dragon head on top glows an indigo hue before opening its mouth and shooting a bright blue lasor-like beam at the Suna genin. He scrambles out of the way at the last moment, only to see the spot where he was previously standing frozen completely. An lands on the newly formed ice, crushing it in pieces (creating an epic backdrop) before facing Yasuki once more.

"You should stay put. It will make things faster." An mutters bluntly, raising her sceptor again. "You will not win this battle." Yasuki's face hardens in resolve.

"I won't give up!" he shouts, forming a rapid sequence of hand signs.

"Pathetic..." An sighs before reluctantly setting up a defensive position. She slides one foot behind the other and crosses her weapon with her other arm in front of her face.

"Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Storm!" Yasuki says, thrusting his hands towards. Electricity shoots from his palms, heading straight towards An. The crackling wave suddenly stops a few inches in front of An, as if colliding into an invisible barrier. Abruptly, where Yasuki's attack stopped in midair, water begins to pour seemingly out of nothing.


Everyone is baffled by the action that had just taken place. "Huh?! What just happened?!" Naruto shouts, pulling at his hair. Kankuro's eyes widen.

"Smart move..." he murmurs, staring suspiciously at the raven haired woman.

"What just happened, Kankuro?!" Naruto asks, grabbing the Suna nin by the straps of his pupper and shaking him back and forth. "What happened to that guy's attack? Dattebayo! Why'd it just disappear like that?" Kankuro growls and slaps Naruto's hands away.

"If you would stop shaking me, I would tell you!" he takes a deep breath before continuing. "Anyways... It looks like that person your teammate summoned created some sort of ice barrier to protect her. I'm going as far as to guess that she made it with the water that's in the air around us. The barrier was made so that it was clear enough to look invisible, and when Yasuki shot his Lightning Style attack at it, the ice merely absorbed it, changing back to water again." Kankuro states matter-of-factly. Naruto stares pensively at the scene below him.

"I don't get it." he announces after a brief pause. Kankuro and many others who were listening in anime fall onto the ground.



"Was that it? Then again... you're running low on chakra. I guess that's the best you can do." An says. She twitches and sighs in slight annoyance. "Looks like I'm going to have to end this quickly. My Su Zhu Body can't keep up this form any longer." Yasuki glances at Nashi, who is sitting a good ways away. Her face is tight in deep concentration, sweat coating her face.

An slams the base of her staff onto the ground, causing the earth to rumble. Two walls of jagged earth rise out of the ground, sharp protrusions on either side of Yasuki. The Sand nin panics and tries to escape the trap but realizes his feet are frozen onto the ground.

"Wh-What?!" he exclaims.

An doesn't miss a beat, "Pay attention. Or you're dead." She gives him this last piece of advice before the two walls of earth collide in the middle, successfully crushing the Suna nin's body into a bloody pulp. [A/N could've told him sooner >.>] The earth shudders as it retreats back into the ground, returning back to its previous state as if nothing had ever happened there.


The crowd watches in silent awe as An reverts back to her original form and is pulled back into Nashi hand. Once she closes her hand, Nashi finally stops chanting.


*Nashi's POV*

I blearily open my eyes again, deactiving Er Ji. Panting heavily from the loss of blood and fatigue, I glance up at the proctor waiting for his call.

"Winner is Umi Nashi!" he calls lazily, as if the gruesome sight didn't bother him the slightest. His announcement is met with a brief period of silence before pandemnium erupts in the stadium.

"Nashi! I knew you could do it!"

"So cool, so cool!"

"That's Nashi-chan for you!"

I smirk ever so slightly from my sitting position on the ground, recognizing each voice, before slumping backwards.

"Nashi! Are you oka-"

Then everything went black.



Bleh... Sorry, guys, it's kinda short... Boop de boop boop! An off to de side --> 

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