Nashi Chapter 2

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*Nashi’s POV*

The next day, Iruka makes an important announcement. “Today are the genin exams. We will be testing you all on the Clone Jutsu.” Upon hearing this announcement, Nashi could spot Naruto pulling his hair out in frustration. One by one, the students trickle into an adjacent room, each performing their doppelganger technique to see if they could become genin.

After waiting for what seemed like eternity, Nashi’s name is finally called. The cloaked figure silently glides into the testing room, coming face to face with Iruka and an unfamiliar white-haired man. Judging by the forehead protector he wore, Nashi guesses that he is most likely a chunin.

“This is Mizuki-san, he will be helping me evaluate you on creating three clones ... Do you know the Clone Jutsu, Nashi?” Iruka asks carefully, no doubt remembering Nashi’s skill to use ninjutsu without performing handsigns. Nashi’s head tilts slightly to the right, but doesn’t reply.

“Is this child capable of talking?” Mizuki asks bluntly, staring at the child with dull eyes. Nashi straightens up slowly before fluidly pulling out a kunai. Iruka shoots up from his seat in panic as the kunai is brought down upon Nashi’s strangely inked palm. The weapon easily slices through the soft flesh, creating a gash that overflows with black blood.

“What are you doing?!” Iruka yells frantically, whipping out a roll of bandages from his desk. “Are you trying to kill yourself?!” Mizuki sits calmly, his eyes flickering with a hint of interest. He does nothing to try and help alleviate the situation.

Nashi’s mutilated hand rises up to stop Iruka from advancing as the strangely colored blood splatters on the ground with a wet noise. The two chunin watch in awe as the blood is pulled up by some invisible force, hovering in midair. It splits into two identical blobs of blood before shaping and stretching into two clones. They land on the ground, slightly crouching before facing the two flabbergasted ninja.

“U-Uh... What technique was that, Nashi?” Iruka asks, hoping that Nashi would actually explain for once. Much to his dismay Nashi remains silent, hand still dripping of blood. Iruka and Mizuki watch as Nashi’s clones re-liquify before being sucked back into the wound. Iruka tries to hand Nashi the roll of bandages but is silently refused. The two chunin peer at the cut as it begins to stitch itself back together.

Nashi nonchalantly grabs a blue forehead protector from the desk without getting permission from the evaluators. The masked genin pivotes and  exits with a flourish of black cloth.

Nashi loiters outside in the shadow of the building, catching a glimpse off all the fresh graduates and their family. As far as Nashi can see, there is only one other student without parents attending.

That was Sasuke.

The ravenette stands at the edge of the forest, slightly hiding in the shadows much like Nashi. As if feeling Nashi’s stare, Sasuke turns his head and glares straight into the eyes of the dragon mask.

His onyx orbs narrow at the genin’s cloaked figure, briefly musing over the identity of the person underneath. His eyes shut as he blinks for a split second, the way all normal humans do. When his eyes reopen, Nashi is no longer there. Sasuke’s head whips left and right, searching for that mysterious dragon mask. Nashi is nowhere to be seen or sensed. The moody Uchiha swears to himself under his breath before giving up on his search and strolling home. Alone.

Nashi carefully observes Sasuke from the nearby trees. The sturdy mask hides the unfurling smirk as the short figure vanishes into the shadows triumphantly.


*Nashi’s POV*

I meditate quietly, enjoying the peaceful silence or the forest. However, the relaxing moment doesn’t last long- it never does- when I hear distant yelling and hurried footsteps pound on the earth. Tilting my head, I re-close my eyes. I could feel the chunins’ blood race as they jump across tree branches, seemingly in search of something. Taking slow, even breaths, I focus the majority of my blood into my ears. What once were impossible to hear with the naked ear gradually becomes more intense and refined. I frown slightly upon hearing the familiar noise of weapons clashing. The harsh noise echoes through the forest and grates roughly against my eardrums.

I draw the extra blood away from my ears, hearing the thrum of life slowly buzz down before disappearing altogether. I feel my blood being pulled, indicating that someone was summoning my presence. With a solemn sigh, I transport myself to the Hokage’s building, the source of the calling.

I reappear in a dark swirl in front of the Hokage’s desk. My unforeseen actions cause the nearby shinobi to draw weapons. They pause when the old man raises his hand. I stand there, unperturbed by their threatening aura. A tall jonin standing next to the Hokage narrows his cold, calculating eyes down at me.

“Ah, Nashi-san, good to see you once again,” The Hokage smiles, puffing on his trademark pipe. The jonin snarls when I make no indication to reply or bow in respect. The surrounding jonin glance at each other in bewilderment, unfamiliar to my presence. Their ignorance causes me to smirk, although hidden.

“I must ask of you a favor, Nashi-san. It seems Naruto has taken one of our forbidden scrolls and has run off somewhere. I need to you to find and observe his actions, but take no part of what happens.” I continue to not respond to the Hokage’s words.

The scowling man next to the Hokage snaps. “Brat! Show more respect to the Hokage!” I ignore him, waiting for the Hokage to dismiss me. He takes a menacing step forward with his hand raised, prepared to pound some respect into me.

“Calm down, Ibiki,” The Hokage waves his weathered hand dismissively. He leans back in his seat, smiling serenely, not at all put off by the lack of reply. “Nashi-san, here, doesn’t talk much to anyone.” He nods towards me while letting out another puff of smoke. I disappear silently, mission memorized.

I reappear at the edge of the forest, sensing for any suspicious activity. Sniffing the air lightly, I catch whiff of a familiar smell. Running along the tree tops silently, I follow the musky scent of Iruka’s blood, assuming that Naruto was probably nearby. Landing softly on a branch, I peer down at the scene below. I force blood into my eyes and ears, trying to get a sense of what is happening.

It seems that Iruka and Mizuki are arguing about Naruto... and about the nine-tailed fox, Kyuubi. The topic was dark and dangerous, forbidden from uttered on the public grounds of Konoha. I watch devoid of emotion as Iruka stands up for Naruto, making no move even when Mizuki poises to kill Iruka. Naruto unexpectedly makes an appearance and punches Mizuki away from Iruka. I note his uncanny skill in performing the Shadow Clone Jutsu, easily creating hundreds of clones.

Watching Mizuki being beat up by a brat like Naruto, who hadn’t even graduated the Academy, provides me with minimal entertainment. I promptly leave as Iruka and Naruto have a bonding moment. The extravagant display of affection they share sickens me to the stomach.

I leap through the window and ;and crouching in the middle of the room, causing the loitering shinobi around to tense. Feeling deja vu, I casually straighten up.

*3rd POV*

“How was it?” The Hokage inquires, completely at ease. He watches with amusement as his loyal shinobi circle around the newcomer warily. “Please, back down. Nashi is of no harm to me.” The atmosphere immediately cools, leaving being a prickly feeling as Nashi feels the weight of everyone’s stare.

“What is such a young child doing here, Hokage-sama?” one of the jonin asks formally. The others murmur to one another, thinking up hypothetical identities for the cloaked child in front of them.

“Ah... Nashi-san, here...” He glanced at the person in question, as if asking permission. To no one’s surprise, there is no reply. “is a great asset to our village. A specially trained assassin.”

There is a pause of silence as everyone slowly processes the Hokage’s words in shock. An assassin at such a young age? What is the Hokage thinking?!

“I-is this true?!” Ibiki sputters incredulously, feeling slightly foolish. He had heard whispers of so, but had dismissed them as idle gossip. The Hokage nods in affirmative, puffing his pipe without pause. Everyone stares at the child complete surprise. Nashi silently curses the old fool for spreading information with such looseness to his subordinates.

“Now, Nashi-san, I assume you have gathered everything?” Nashi’s pale arm stretches out, revealing a thin tattooed wrist. The Hokage sighs wearily, his wrinkles becoming more prominent. “You must talk more, Nashi-san. I’m afraid I’m getting too old for this.” He holds out his arm. Unlike the younger’s, his is beaten and battle scarred. Ignoring the shouts of alarm, Nashi slashes the senior’s arm with a magically appearing kunai.


Ooh! What's gonna happen next, I wonder...

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