Nashi Chapter 24

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*Nashi's POV*

“Jiraiya.” I call flatly before stepping out from hiding. The tall man whips around, eyes widening in recognition.

“Nashi! It’s been awhile!” Jiraiya greets with a broad grin. Naruto looks back and forth between us.

“Eh? Pervy-sage, you know Nashi, too?” he asks, scratching his head in confusion. I blanch at Naruto’s name for Jiraiya.

“Pervy.... Sage?” I mumble, smirking slightly. It does suit him nicely.

“Hey, Naruto! I told you not to call me that!” Jiraiya complains, sounding like a child. Naruto grins sheepishly.

“Yeah, yeah, Pervy-sage.” Naruto dismisses Jiraiya completely. “What are you doing here, Nashi? Dattebayo!” Jiraiya sulks while Naruto looks at me inquisitively.

“Training. What are you doing here, Jiraiya?” I answer Naruto tersely before turning to the white-haired man.

“Pervy-sage is going to teach me an awesome new jutsu!” Naruto cheers. I stare at him disbelievingly. Jiraiya sighs.

“You’re training him for the Third Exam? ... Good luck,” I snort.

“Hey! Dattebayo! What’s that supposed to mean, Nashi?” Naruto cries. Jiraiya just laughs rudely at his student’s expense.

“Still got that sarcastic attitude, I see. You haven’t changed one bit.” Jiraiya teases playfully. I smirk slightly, even though no one can see it.

“You’re the one to speak. Still perving on women in the baths, Jiraiya?” I retort. Jiraiya’s grin falls as he pouts. Naruto bursts out laughing.

“Nashi got you there!” Naruto hunches over, chuckling with glee. I roll my eyes at his immaturity. Jiraiya scowls at Naruto.

“It’s research!” Jiraiya protests, crossing his arms like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

“Sure...” I mutter, unconvinced. Jiraiya sulks again, dejected. Naruto straightens up before looking at us curiously, again.

“Pervy-sage, so how do you know Nashi?” Naruto asks once again. Jiraiya shoots me a look as I tense slightly.

“We’ve travelled together.” I answer vaguely. Naruto looks confused as ever. I mushroom sigh at his denseness.

“Say, Nashi... You still haven’t revealed your gender to your team yet?” Jiraiya prods, swiftly changing the subject. I scowl at Jiraiya while Naruto looks excited.

“You know Nashi’s gender?!” Naruto asks, his eyes gleaming. I motion for Jiraiya to not say anything. He grins mischievously in reply.

“Yep, I do.” I imagine killing that idiot a hundred times over.

“What is it?! What is it?! Tell me, dattebayo!” Naruto yells, shaking Jiraiya.

“Ask Nashi.” Jiraiya shrugs, smirking at me. I narrow my eyes. He did that on purpose, that overgrown toad brat. Naruto hesitates.

“Uh, but I don’t want to be killed, dattebayo! Why don’t you just tell, Pervy-Sage!” Naruto cries. Jiraiya laughs while I smirk. Naruto doesn’t have the guts to confront me.

“What’s that, Naruto? Scared of someone who’s half your height?” Jiraiya taunts. An irk mark pulses on my forehead. Half his height?! I may be short but I am not half Naruto’s height. I growl lowly. Jiraiya pays no attention and continues to goad Naruto, who glances at me nervously.

I appear above Jiraiya.

“Are you taunting me, Jiraiya?” I snarl darkly. Jiraiya, who finally notices my change in mood, backs up slowly with his hands in the air.

“Eh... Nashi... Um... You know I’m kidding... It’s for Naruto’s benefit...” He tries to explain hurriedly, pushing Naruto in front of him like some sort of shield. It does nothing to soothe my anger. A black aura encasing my body darkens.

“What were you saying about my height?” I ask lowly. Jiraiya sweats bullets as Naruto squirms out of the way of my wrath.

“Eh... Eh... Naruto?” Jiraiya asks pleadingly. Naruto shakes his head and crosses his arms, standing a good distance away.

“Sorry, Pervy-Sage, but I don’t want to die! Dattebayo!”

“What’s that, Jiraiya? Scared of someone who’s half your height?” I taunt menacingly, the eyes on my mask glowing eerily. Jiraiya gulps, looking around for some sort of escape.

“You’re going to pay for that.” I promise, launching myself at him.


*3rd POV*

“Pervy-Sage... Pervy-Sage...” Naruto calls, poking the limp body with a stick. “C’mon! You have to train me, dattebayo!” Nashi had just left after dealing Jiraiya his punishment. The Toad Sage now lays face-down in the middle of a smoking crater.

Naruto sweatdrops at his sensei’s twitching body. He shudders, remembering Nashi’s punishment. Naruto makes a mental note to never get on Nashi’s bad side.

“Uh...” Jiraiya groans, his eyes are swirls as his finger twitches. “That... Was not a good idea.” Naruto pokes him once more with the stick.

“Hurry up, Jiraiya! Dattebayo!” Naruto doubts his new sensei, if Nashi was able to beat Pervy-Sage just like that, how was the perverted old man supposed to teach him anything new? Naruto sighs.

“Nashi sure has improved... Since I last... Saw...” Jiraiya mutters dazedly. Naruto crouches down next to his sensei and pulls on his arm to get him up.


I'm back~! This chapter is just a filler, but I thought it was funny~ ^-^ (And I'm too jetlagged to type up something longer, sorry!) I'll be updating more often... Uh... Hopefully... Oh, and I might be posting a new fanfic soon! Maybe I'll put a teaser later or something...

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