Nashi Chapter 17

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*Nashi's POV*

They scoot away from me in fear. A long time ago, they thought it would be fun to play a prank on me. I taught them a painful lesson and now they won’t go near me in without flinching. Not that I minded, it actually provided good entertainment for a while.  

“N-Nashi-san, why are you participating?” Izumo stutters, eyes darting for a means of escape.

“Hokage’s order.” They let me past with no trouble, baffling the people who are watching. Team 7 gets past easily not too long after.

“Did you know those people, Nashi?” Sakura inquires timidly. I grunt. She presses the subject no further. Lee makes a sudden appearance and challenges Sasuke to a fight. I sigh and turn to leave. I had seen Lee fight before, Sasuke wouldn’t stand a chance.

“Leaving so soon, Nashi-sama?” the boy with the bowl cut whines.

“Sama?!” Sakura echoes in disbelief.

“I had hoped you would evaluate my progress!” Lee chirps, always in a good mood. I shake my head, not bothering to turn back around.

“I know you will win, Lee.” My remark causes Sasuke to growl. The spandex clad ninja awes at my confidence-boosting words, saluting me. I quickly exit, not wanting to be part of this petty fight. I also don’t want to bump into Lee’s sensei anytime soon either.


“Ah, good! You all made it! Especially you, Sakura,” Kakashi clasps his hands together praisingly, not reading his book for once. Naruto looks confused. “If Sakura hadn’t shown up, you two would have not been able to participate.” Kakashi glances between Sasuke and Naruto.

“What about Nashi?” Naruto demands. I smirk as he faces me with a constipated expression.

“Nashi will be doing the Exams alone,” Kakashi explains, to everyone’s but mine’s surprise. He reaches into his vest before handing me a scroll with the Hokage’s seal on it. I take and tuck it into my cloak, planning to read it later. Team 7 peers at me curiously.

“Good luck, you guys. Hopefully, you all make it out alive,” Kakashi smiles as if it would make us feel better. I deadpan while Sakura pales, about to faint. Naruto gulps, his sudden burst of confidence earlier quickly fading.

We push open the door and step inside the spacious room. Team 7 draws a collective intake of breath while I loiter there, unperturbed. Hmmm... there seems to be a new village participating this year... I eye the unfamiliar musical note carved into some of the genin’s headbands. This will be fun.

“Wow! There’s so many people...!” Naruto exclaims. I quietly disappear into the crowd of participants, not wanting to associate myself with the other rookies.

“Gaara...” I acknowledge, appearing in front of the red-haired ninja. His siblings jerk into action, prepared to defend him.

“Nashi...” he replies, regarding me with lifeless seafoam eyes. His red hair bobs as he nods slightly in greeting.

“Don’t try anything funny... Ichibi” I warn ominously. His siblings gasp quietly, eyes wide in fright and... guilt? Turning to leave, I am stopped by a ribbon of sand clinging to my wrist.

“How do you know?” Gaara demands darkly, his pupils enlarged with adrenaline. I finger the sand absentmindedly, briefly admiring the rough texture.

“I think you know, Gaara.” I reply cooly. The sand around my wrist tightens, cutting of my blood circulation.

“I don’t like games, Nashi,” he growls lowly. I don’t say anything. “Tell me!” His eyes flash red. His sand trickles to the ground as he grabs his head in pain, eye clenching shut in agony. Gaara’s siblings panic, trying to calm their brother down.

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