Nashi Chapter 8

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*Kakashi’s POV*

“Was it a good show?” Nashi murmurs, his mask facing me. I slowly nod before giving my infamous closed-eye smile. “Naruto is cheating,” is all he states before disappearing deeper into the depths of the forest.

I stare at Nashi’s retreating back, watching it slowly fade into the dark surroundings. Pulling out my favorite book, I transport myself back to the stumps, catching Naruto in the act of eating lunch.


*Nashi’s POV*

I return back to the clearing where Team 7 was, arriving just in time when Kakashi is giving out strict instructions.

“Both of you are not allowed to feed Naruto!” Kakashi states firmly.

“Why not?! Dattebayo!” Naruto whines, kicking up his feet. He looks like he had

starved for days without food.

“It’s punishment for cheating! You two, eat your lunch. I’m going away for a bit, but I’ll come back soon! Remember, no feeding Naruto! I make the rules around here, and if I catch you guys cheating you all will go back to the Academy!” Kakashi repeats firmly before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Sakura and Sasuke quietly open their bento box and begin eating as Naruto watches longingly. I glide up next to the trio and sit down, still keeping my distance. Sasuke stares at me, eyes smothered in hatred. I watch the two genin eat and the third suffer without a noise.

“Aren’t you going to eat, Nashi-san? Kakashi-sensei says you’re allowed to eat,” Sakura asks nervously, motioning towards the third bento on the grass. Naruto switches his gaze and stares at it, drooling from the corner of his mouth. Sasuke glares into my mask’s eye holes, challenging me to speak.

“I already ate,” I mutter shortly. Sakura hurriedly nods her head in agreement, not wanting to get on my bad side. Sasuke looked mildly surprised that I had talked.

“When?” Sasuke challenges, trying to invoke some sort emotional reaction with his onyx eyes. I turn away and blatantly ignore him. He growls angrily, not used to people ignoring him.

Naruto’s stomach rumbling interrupts our lovely “conversation”. Sakura’s and Sasuke’s head whip to Naruto’s tied form. I sit there slowly fingering the grass. I watch boredly as a beetle climbs up one of the stalks. It opens it’s wings, preparing to take off when a bird swoops down and eats it without remorse. I stare sullenly at the spot where the beetle once was. It had been killed in an instant, just like those naive and annoying genin will be as soon as they leave the safe haven of the village. I scoff, a waste of my time. Why would the Hokage assign me such a stupid mission?

I observe carefully as Sasuke deliberately disobeys Kakashi’s orders and begins to feed Naruto some of his food. Hmmm... it looks like at least one of them might have some brains after all.

“B-but, Sasuke-kun! Kakashi-sensei said that we’re not allowed to feed Naruto!” Sakura squeaks. Sasuke silences her with a glare. What a charmer.

“If we don’t give Naruto some food, he’ll only be a dead weight for us when we fight Kakashi again,” Sasuke strategizes. “Besides, I don’t feel his chakra near here.” I internally smirk. I could sense Kakashi’s blood signature within a few hundred feet, and he was carefully observing our every move.

Sakura nods dutifully and holds out her bento box to Naruto. “Here, you can have this! I’m on a diet, anyways!” Naruto’s eyes water appreciatively.

“R-really, Sakura-chan?” Naruto sobs happily. “But I can’t eat with my hands tied like this! You’ll have to feed me, dattebayo!”

Sakura’s mood immediately swings from bashfulness to anger. “Fine! But just this once, you hear me?!” Naruto nods gratefully and begins to eat ravenously as Sakura feeds him with her chopsticks. I imagine the hearts in Naruto’s eyes but can plainly tell the disgust in Sakura’s.

Without warning, Kakashi dramatically appears with dark, gray clouds and lightning flashing behind him. All three genins jump back in fear.

“YOU! YOU ALL CLEARLY DISOBEYED MY ORDERS! YOU WILL HAVE TO FACE YOUR PUNISHMENT!” Kakashi booms. The genin look like they are about to shit their pants. I stifle a yawn and start to braid the grass in front of me.

“But you said we’re all a team!” Sasuke shouts, covering his face from the whipping wind created by Kakashi.

“That’s right!” Sakura immediately backs Sasuke up. “We’re supposed to work together!”

“Yeah! Dattebayo! All four of us are one!” Naruto inputs. They all look at me to add something cheesy about our team-love. I pointedly look away and meditate, well at least tried to with all the commotions around me.

An awkward silence ensues between the four morons as I choose to not add anything to their pathetic conversation. Even Kakashi’s lightning and wind stops briefly as a small breeze blows past, bringing along a few tumbleweed.

The silence is broken as Kakashi continues his rant without paus. “THAT’S YOUR EXCUSE?! THAT’S ALL YOU GUYS CAN COME UP WITH?!” His eyes gleam evilly. “YOU ALL...!”

The three genin cower back, ready to take their punishment. I trace the intricate tattoos on my left hand, recording it all for the Hokage to watch later.

“... Pass!” Kakashi says happily, holding up a peace sign as the storm clouds and the lightning vanish. The trio look positively confused.

“So, we’re not getting punished?” Naruto asks, for once, at a loss of words. Kakashi nods gleefully.

“Even though you all broke the rules, you did it for your teammates. Those who abandon the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends and teammates are worse than scum!” Kakashi preaches, sounding like a fortune cookie. I mushroom sigh quietly.

“Yeah! I knew it! I knew it all along! Dattebayo!” Naruto brags, kicking up his feet.

“We’re all ninja now!” Sakura cries happily, peeking a look at Sasuke, no doubt happy that she would be able to be near him at all times. Sasuke hn’s and smirks arrogantly to himself. They all look at Kakashi with new found respect in their eyes.

“Let’s all go for ramen to celebrate, then!” Kakashi suggests, whipping out his orange book. Sakura squeals and beams at Sasuke. Sasuke sighs irritably and grudgingly followed Kakashi with a fan-girling Sakura right at his heels.

I transport myself right next to Kakashi, catching him in mid stride. He looks down at my small form with a beady eye.

“Are you coming, too, Nashi?” he asks carefully, closing his book for the time being. Sasuke and Sakura peer around his form, curious to see what is going on. I shake my head.

“The Hokage is expecting me.” I explain tersely. Kakashi nods, eyeing me warily. I dissolve into a red swirl but not before catching Naruto’s insanely loud voice.

“HEY! YOU GUYS FORGOT SOMETHING! DATTEBAYO!” he screams, still tied to the stump. I smirk, serves him right.


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